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    THE CANDLELIGHT ILLUMINATED ASTRID'S FACE AS SHE TOOK A SIP OF HER ALCOHOLIC DRINK. She knew this mission would be a pain in her ass because of two things, or people rather–Anakin and Clovis. Both were obsessed with her in their own way, Anakin more so than Clovis. He was already jealous when he saw her all fancied up in a traditional and revealing Apollo outfit.

    The restaurant was high-end, filled with celebrities and other wealthy citizens. The walls were draped with a red, velvety curtain that matched the floor. The table that Astrid and Clovis had occupied held a beautiful view of Coruscant's setting sun.

    "It's been good to see you again, Clovis," Astrid says with a bright smile. She was always good at faking being happy, a trait she learned as a kid when she was forced to go to boring royal events as a kid. Astrid glances down at Clovis's lip, but just to play with his head a bit, "I didn't realize how lonely I was...until tonight."

    Astrid was lying out of her ass. She was far from lonely, especially with Anakin hovering over her shoulder every time he was home.

    "Perhaps I can do more to ease your loneliness," Clovis's green eyes burn into Astrid with an uncomfortable amount of lust. She was only used to seeing Anakin looking at her like that and it made her uncomfortable when anyone else did the same. Force, she really needed to stop thinking about Anakin right now. The Scipio Senator continues, "once I return from Cato Neimoidia."

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