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    A GASP FALLS FROM ASTRID'S LIPS AS HER BODY JOLTS UPRIGHT AND HER EYES SNAP OPEN. Her chest rose and fell as her skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat. Eyes frantic, they sweep across her room for any signs of the silhouette. It had been a year since she had last seen her stalker, the last she had heard of him was from the hands in the box. The memory still brings shivers down her spine.

    It seemed as though recently her silhouette had found a way to sneak into her mind and mess with her dreams. The thought of him being able to mess with her head even when he wasn't near made her break out in cold sweat. It made her question everyone. Was the silhouette onboard? Were they Force-sensitive? Why her?

    There was a lingering thought deep in the back of her head of who it might be, but it was quite impossible. Somehow, in her delusional sleepless mind, it made sense. What if Anakin was somehow alive and messing with her? He had always been possessive over her, that was no secret, and the Dark Side could push it even further for him to go out of his way to torture someone that had touched her.

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