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    THE SWEET AROMA OF RED ASTERS LINGERED IN THE RICH NABOO AIR. The sound of rushing water echoes throughout the life-filled lake. The contrast between both the metal arm and the flesh arm of Anakin sent shivers down Astrid's spine as she felt them practically branding themselves onto her skin. The Jedi had planned a spontaneous trip to Naboo—Astrid had thought he'd just wanted her all to himself for the next few days, which was partially true.

    In truth, Anakin had brought her here because it was where their love had first blossomed. The red aster, a flower that represents passion, romance, and undying love, began to grow in their absence, spreading along the silky shorelines of the Lake Country where their lips had first met.

    Naboo was Astrid's mental retreat home, where she'd go when she needed time to recollect and let her mental state grow healthier. It was a place of youth and childhood for Astrid, nostalgia was always traveling not far behind the beaming woman when she'd get here. Anakin knew he wanted to bring one more memorable moment that would rest in their hearts for the rest of the galaxy's life span.

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