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    EXHAUSTION SEEPS SLOWLY INTO ASTRID'S BONES, eyes drooping as she helps Maya get tucked into bed. It was a rough night. She was constantly doing something, from being a general to a mother. Alone time was something she had lost the luxury of having. A tired smile rests on her lips as she lays the cotton blue blanket over Maya's body.

    The girl was being trained to sleep in her own bed and room—albeit the room was attached to Astrid's and she could see her if she peeked her head up from the covers. Astrid learned that Maya had gotten many traits from her father—recklessness, impulsiveness, careness, passion, and protectiveness. Not to mention the energy in the girl.

    "Tired, mommy?" Maya's small voice traveled through the room, her multi-colored eyes drooping as she looked at her mother's exhausted smile. Despite her age, she was extremely good at reading people. Obi-Wan had said it was due to her being inclined with the Force at her young age.

    "Yeah," Astrid hums, her eyes glimmering with so much love as she looks at her daughter. She loved this girl with her whole heart, she didn't even know she held this much fondness. Her hands gently smooth back some of Maya's stray hair, the girl cuddling into her touch. "Are you tired, lovebug?"

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