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    A THROBBING PAIN POUNDS THROUGH ASTRID'S HEAD AS SHE AWAKES FROM HER BRIEF UNCONSCIOUSNESS. Her eyes were heavy as they fluttered open to see that sandy sky above her. Her brain slowly gains recollection of what had happened before, her heart beginning to race. She had gotten out of a nightmare only to wake up in one.

    With a bit of struggle, Astrid pulled herself to her feet, the skirt of her dress now sprinkled with sand. Her emerald green eyes sweep over the grainy land around her. In a far distance, she could see a large tower, it was no doubt where the Count was headed. But how would she get there?

    "Ma'am, are you okay?" A voice makes her jump as she spins around to face a clone trooper. He was on a speeder, which would mean great transportation to get to the tower.

    "Yeah, I think so," Astrid makes her way over to the speeder and hops on the back seat.

    "We better get you back to the Forward Command Center," the troopers started the speeder.

    Astrid quickly stops him from moving towards the Command Center, "no, no. We've got to get to that hangar."

    BACK AT THE TOWER, Anakin charges across the open space at Count Dooku, who smiles faintly, watching the padawan come closer to him. Anakin raises his lightsaber, but at the last moment, the Count thrusts out an arm and unleashes a blast of Force lightning–with the full intention of it hurting both Anakin and Astrid. 

    The padawan is hurled across the room and slammed into the opposite wall. He slumps to the foot of the wall, semi-conscious, as Count Dooku moves toward Obi-Wan.

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