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    THE WARM NABOO AIR WAS REFRESHING COMPARED TO THE TRAFFIC-RIDDEN ONES OF CORUSCANT. It was clean, fresh, and rejuvenating. The pool rippled as Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex, and Anakin hung out in the crystal clear water. Due to Anakin's inability to tolerate sand, they were all forced to leave the sandy shore that met the Lake Country and go to the Naberrie's pool.

    Before entering the warm water, Padme decided to tan for a little while Astrid lay under the shaded umbrella. Her eyes were shut as she relaxed into the knitted hammock. The material of it was as soft as a blanket and it was tied in a way that it held anyone's weight perfectly.

    The sounds of someone squealing cause her to open her eyes. When she looks, Padme clutched Rex's neck as he strode over to the pool. He was either going to throw her in or jump in with her in his hands. Soon, she looks over at Anakin who slowly gets out of the pool, a cheshire grin glued to his perfect face.

    His hair was soaked, wet curls framing his face as his toned body glistened under the bright sunlight. Astrid pulls herself out of her trance when she notices that he'd made it much too close for her liking. His grin was mischievous as his eyes twinkled.

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