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    WATTO'S RECORDS HAD LED THE TRIO TO JUNDLAND WASTES, a place that Anakin had told Astrid and Padme to be very careful about. The boy had thought that it'd be wise to take a starship to the homestead instead of walking and being attacked by the pesky Tusken Raiders.

    Arriving at the homestead, Astrid could easily tell it was nicer than most places in Tatooine. It was large–lavish even. The area surrounding it was all a dull yellow, a sea of sand stretching out for miles.

    Descending from the ship, Padme orders Artoo to stay with the ship and alert them if there are any transmissions. The droid whistles in agreement and rolls out the ramp. As they make their way into the homestead, a naked protocol droid greets them–wires exposed and all.

    "Oh, oh my–visitors," it almost jumps in shock, "good evening, how can I help you?"

    Realization dawns on the Jedi as he peers closer to the droid, "Threepio? Is that you?"

    "Oh my...oh my!" the Threepio unit cries in delight, "Master Anakin! My goodness, I can hardly believe it. And oh," the droid turned to face the two girls, "Miss Padme! It's so wonderful to see you."

    "Threepio," Padme smiles warmly, "I'm so glad you're doing well."

    The droid then turns to Astrid, "I'm afraid we haven't met. I'm Threepio."

    "Astrid Pagonia," the girl nods with a bright grin. She liked the droid, he was full of life, and she could tell he was unintentionally hilarious.

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