Invisible Liberty and Twins!

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Bose's POV

3 years later...

This year so far has been a hectic one. I thought one force field baby was a lot but to now have a 5-year-old daughter who can put up force fields and become invisible, a 5-year-old niece who can walk on walls and ceilings, and twin baby boys named Mickey & Barker who have Sonic Speed and are only at only 6 months is extremely difficult. The babies keep crawling super fast thinking there's nothing there but will bump into their sister and sometimes Liberty will put up her force field and blast them back with is always a scary sight but lucky for me the babies haven't broken anything. Mika gave birth to the twins right after Liberty turned 5 so the first couple of months dealing with 2 new powers was hard but we got it down...I hope.

"Liberty stop trapping Mickey in your force fields" Mika says.

"Ok, Mommy." Liberty says.

Bose had to hold Mickey back since the built-up speed would have sent him flying.


"Yes, Liberty?"

"How do you tell Mickey and Barker Apart?" She asks.

"Mickey is a little bigger than Barker, Barker likes to be with daddy more, and Mickey likes to be with Mommy more." I explained.

"Oh cool!" She says.

I lift the babies and bring them to their cribs since it's nap time aka the only time I and Mika get to rest. Mika brings Liberty to her room for a nap, but little Liberty was putting up a fight, unlike her little brothers who went down in 5 minutes.

"No, I don't want a nap!" Liberty says.

"You need to nap honey." Mika says calmly.

"No! I don't want to!" Liberty says.

"Liberty you will take your nap, I'm going to leave and close the door, when I come back in 5 minutes I want you in bed young lady!" Mika says.

When Mika closes her door I can tell she's stressed out, she slides down the door and starts to cry. I sit next to her, put my arm over her shoulder, and she leans onto me.

"Why won't she listen to me! It's like every time I'm with her since the babies came she gets so angry so fast. Am I not a good mother?" She asks.

As she asks that you can hear Liberty throwing a tantrum and kicking the door.

"Don't say that butterfly, you are an outstanding mother! Let me talk to her ok?" I say.

"Ok." Mika says while walking into the living room.

I open the door to find a sleepy and crying Liberty in the middle of the room.

"Come here Liberty."

I close her door, sit on the floor, and Liberty comes and sits on my lap.

"Why are you so upset?"

"I don't want to take a nap." Liberty says.

"Liberty, I know that's not the only reason...come on now talk to me." I say.

"Every since the babies got here mommy has is always with them but every time she's with me she's yelling at me. I want to be with mommy and be happy with her." Liberty says.

"Honey Mickey and Barker need extra attention since they are babies and can't do anything for themselves. Mommy has to take care of a lot and gets tired and you acting out to get attention only makes her more aggravated. Mommy loves you so much but she just needs time to relax and if you're acting badly to get mommy's attention that makes mommy more upset." I explain.

Liberty realized she has been getting attention from Mika the wrong way.

"Can I go talk to mommy?"

"Yes, lib." I say

Mika's POV

As I sit in the living room contemplating my job as a mother, liberty walks in with a guilty look on her face.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." liberty says.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" I ask.

"I've been jealous of the babies, so I act like a bad girl so I can spend time with mommy. But I make mommy sad and angry and I don't like that. I'm sorry." Liberty says.

She is so right! I've been so focused on the twins that I have barely put any time aside to hang with my liberty. the only time my attention has been on her has been when she acts out. who can blame a 5-year-old for wanting attention from their mommy good or bad. I put liberty on my lap and say to her...

"Liberty honey I'm so sorry, I haven't been giving you enough attention, and it's my fault."

Liberty hugs me and I hug her back, I can't believe I even let my baby girl feel like this. Right now at this moment, I make this oath to myself to never make her feel left out again. We sit like this for hours and without even realizing it she fell asleep on me. Who would have thought that an apology would make us take her nap at this point, she could have stayed up and I would love every second of it. I stand up with her in my arms and bring her to her bed, I lay her down, cover her up, and kiss her forehead. I walk out of her room and as I turn the corner bose was standing there and nearly gave me a heart attack since I didn't expect him to be right there.

"AHHH! Bose, you scared me!" I say.

"Sorry babe, I was seeing if lib and you made up yet but I see you have." he says.

"I thought the twins were going to be the hard part of being a parent of 3 but surprisingly it's the 5-year-old." I say.

"She got all that sass from you." he says.

"Yea I know, but she got all her jealousy from you." I say snapping back.

"Right again babe, you are right again." He admits.

Bose puts his arm over my shoulder and we walk towards our bedroom to nap while the kids are napping. Since in a house full of 3 superpowered kids, napping is necessary. We get ready to lay down but are cut off by one of the twins crying which led to him waking up the other twin and then led to liberty crying about the twins crying too loud...I wonder which parent they got their crying from?

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