2 years, a Married Couple, and a baby

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Mika's POV

2 and a half years later...

Wow...it's been over two years already. Bose and I got Married, Moved to a new house, and had a baby. She's 7 months old now, she has the power of force fields, and she is the sweetest baby. After Bose and I got Married we pretty much settled down, Bose wanted kids immediately but I wanted them wayyyy later in life. So on our 10th Anniversary, we decided that we would have kids after I turn 24....and we didn't wait one bit because a couple of weeks after my birthday I found out I was pregnant with our Liberty. My Dear Brother Miles lives with his daughter Justice alone now after his wife left him 5 months back. After countless nights of crying from him and Justice....he realized he's need to be strong for himself and his daughter. He's now becoming the best single dad he can be....but every once in a while I'll get calls from him saying he lost Justice but I'll tell him to look up and she's crawling on the ceiling. Since Justice's power strengthens her arms and legs she learned to crawl at 4 months which is extremely early since Liberty doesn't have that power and learned to crawl at 6 months. Chapa isn't a mother, she doesn't have a partner, but she lives life to the fullest and she's always happy to watch the babies when we parents need free time. Ray started a superhero league with all the other superheroes and now is the headmaster of that since he can never die plus he can always teach the new superheroes as he did for Henry and Danger Force. So he and Schwoz have been busy with that since  Danger Force disassembled after Bose and Mine's Wedding so there was no empty gap between the transition. Danger Force decided to reveal our identities right after we broke up danger force. We did it on the news, it was a big shock for some who knew us like our families, but we had to because explaining why Liberty has a pink force field around her or why Justice is crawling on the ceiling would be extremely difficult. Speaking of superpowered babies.....taking care of one is so hard. Now don't get me wrong I love my little Liberty but whenever she's mad, sad, hungry, or feeling a really big emotion she puts up her force field, and the bigger the emotions the bigger the force field. So if I go to hold her and she wants daddy...BOOM I'm hit with the force field. It's hard since she's a baby and doesn't know how to control it but we'll get used to it.......right?

"BABE!" Bose screams.


"Liberty just woke up from her nap, but she doesn't want me to hold her, so she put up her force field and broke her crib again!" He says.

"Again! This is the 5th one!" I say.

I take back what I said....we'll never get used to this.

Bose's POV

After I built the 6th crib in 7 months, Mika finally got Liberty fed and content lying down in the playpen watching cartoons. I know you're probably wondering what our house looks like so I'll give you a tour. This is what the outside of our house looks like.

 This is what the outside of our house looks like

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The living room...

The living room

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