Journey to the Lodge

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Bose's POV

We are on our way to great wolf lodge and we decided to road-trip there...the O'Brien family in one car and the Macklins in their car. It's a 10 hour ride and we are 5 hours in...we left at 10 in the morning so we get there at night that way the kids go to bed and can have a full 2 days to have fun. Right now everyone is awake except Lili. Mika looks in the rear view mirror at the kids and asks them...

"Are you guys doing ok?"

"Mommy...I don't feel too good." Barker says.

Before Mika could fully turn towards them barker starts to throw up in the backseat.

"EW!" Mickey screams.

I pull over at a gas station with everyone quickly getting out the car. Mickey's scream woke up the sleeping Lili who was now crying in Mika's arms. I rub barker's back as he continues to throw up in the bag i gave thing we forgot to do was give barker his motion sickness pills. He doesn't get motion sick in short car rides just the long ones but luckily we have extra clothes on the ready so everything will be fine.

"Mommy?" Liberty asks.


"I looked at BarBar's vomit and now I feel dizz-"

Liberty was cut off by her passing out due to her being disgusted by the vomit...luckily she caught herself with her force field before she hit the concrete. Mika put the crying Lili down to check on Liberty...she was still breathing just unconscious. If a car were to come get gas they'd see a tantrum having toddler, one young boy taking off vomit covered clothes, another young boy vomiting into a bag, a passed out teenage girl, and two stressed out parents. But eventually Barker stopped vomiting, I was able to clean the boys, and the car. Mika was able to put a screaming Lili back into her car seat so she can fall back asleep, Barker took a nap after getting some motion sickness medicine from home thanks to Miles teleporting back for us, Liberty soon came to consciousness and decided to nap in the car as well while Mickey got to play on Liberty's phone while she was asleep. That whole incident took up 2 hours of our driving time so instead of getting there at 8 pm we will get there at 10 pm. But that's ok as long we all get there safely and the kids have fun at the lodge that's all that matters.

Many hours later...

We finally made it! After countless amounts of whining, complaining, screaming, and fighting...we finally got here. We got to our room immediately getting the kids ready for bed. The kids room had 1 bunk bed and one singular bed which was fine, Lili and Liberty shared the singular since little Lili barely takes up any space and the twins had the bunk bed. The kids all took their baths and fell asleep as soon as they hit their pillows. Mika and I kiss all their foreheads and quietly walk out their room...we flop on to our queen sized bed since we are exhausted.

"Are you sure we used to be superheroes...because my years of fighting crime can't compete with being a super parent." I say out of breath.

Mika's POV

"We've been parents of super-powered kiddos for 13 years yet it never gets easier...but I would never change a thing since I love our little bugs." I say.

"I love them too...just to think our oldest is now the age we met." Bose says.

"That's definitely a day I can NEVER forget since i fought and lost to a indestructible grown man, got tied up, helped 2 superheroes, got superpowers, met my sister in law and the love of my life." I say.

Bose pecked my lips and cuddled into my chest...i love my big baby of a husband. I've seen him be the cutest human on earth but I've also seen him nearly kill people over our family. Ever since we were kids he's always put me first and now he does the same for our kids. Whenever we eat he serves them first, he always takes showers late in the night so he doesn't disturb anyone, if Lili falls asleep in her car seat he'll stay in the car with her that way we don't wake her trying to take her out the car, when barker was super shy on the first day of school Bose stayed by his side during orientation day, whenever Mickey and myself get into heated disagreements sometimes Bose always becomes our peacekeeper, and whenever liberty had panic attacks at school...Bose would stop everything else to make sure she's ok. This might sound super cheesy but I truly believe I'm with the perfect person for me. Bose isn't the brightest, he's extremely clumsy, and he's a child at heart but I think that's why I'm here...we balanced each other out. I'm a control freak, super strict, and too smart for my own good but that's why I have him to loosen me up and teach me how to actually live my life instead of trying to structure every second of my day. I live life in a schedule while he just goes where life takes him...we blend our ways of living life and it's our own type of harmony. With kids it's hard to have anything planned since anything can happen but a little routine is always good for kids to get used too. I truly think that if I never was an eager beaver who wanted to help out our cities superheroes, stumbling across planes a plenty which led me to meet Chapa and Bose, my life would have no actual meaning. Just get good grades, go to a good college, and always be better than everyone else but never actually live life. I would of been one of those moms working all day and night, missing all the memories being made with their kids and husband. But I'm not...right now I'm at great wolf lodge with my brother's family, my 4 amazing kids, and my outstanding husband ready to make a weekend full of memories hopefully we can all never forget. I'm a mom who makes time for her family...not working away my life like how young Mika thought her future would be. I don't care how tiring being a parent is or how Bose and I disagree sometimes on our extremely different parenting and living styles, how sometimes Mickey can be a little delinquent, Barker can be a pushover, Liberty can be super sentimental, and Lili can be super clingy. I could die and start all over again but I will never change a single thing a did...that way I can always live this life with the best people in the family.

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