Ruined Day And Movie Night

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Mika's POV

Its been 2 weeks since Lili's Birthday as well as Liberty's Panic Attack but all has been well. We decided to take the kids to eat out for the first time, we haven't done it yet since Liberty has been really worried about eating in such a crowded place and the twins are still learning how to deal with their recently diagnosed ADHD. After Liberty's Anxiety Scare we had all the kids get diagnosed again...Liberty got some medication for her anxiety and slight depression. The boys got some medicine for their ADHD and we got them some fidgets. Lili is too young to really diagnose anything so we bring her back in a few years. We told the DF crew and Schowz mentioned that their powers reflect off their personalities including their mental and emotional issues. Liberty is very shy, closed in, and very quiet that's why she has a force field since it's like her own little bubble and invisibility since that's how she feels a lot of the time. The twins are energetic and balls of energy so they have super speed and can literally take their energy combined and use it as a force of power. Right now we are getting ready to leave and I hear Liberty Scream from her room. I run to her room to see a scene of Liberty throwing stuff all over, her bed flipped upside down, and she is crying really loudly. I walk over to her, grab her hands, and tell her...

"Breathe Liberty."

After 5 mins of her struggling to breathe, she finally closes her eyes, and takes long and deep breaths...finally calming down.

"Now tell me...what is going on."

"I can't find m-my necklace."

Liberty was still sniffling, stuttering, and speaking very softly but I understand her completely.

"Okay, we are going to find it...but we have to find it quick since we have reservations. So where do you remember wearing it last?" I ask.

My 11 year old thinks hardly about the her precious necklace's last spotting. After a couple minutes the lightbulb goes off in her head.

"At training..."

Training? She hasn't been to training since Friday and today is Sunday so it can be anywhere by now.

"Ok do you remember where specifically in the Man's Nest?"

"I took it off before training and put it in my book should be in there!"

Liberty ran downstairs to fetch her book bag in the living room, she came back upstairs and opened it...her mood took a 360 turn becoming excited and at ease since she would find her necklace but unfortunately for us and her it was not in there. She took everything out her book bag, looked in every crook and cranny but it was truly...gone.

"It's gone..." Liberty says.

My once euphoric little girl became heartbroken in seconds.

"Ohh honey..." I say.

"I-I swore I put it in there!" Liberty says.

I go to hug her but her force field goes up before I could even touch her. I look at Liberty her face looking emotionless, my baby girl's world was shattered.

"Liberty...come on let's talk."


Her force field becomes bigger at the sudden emotional burst.

"I had that necklace since I was meant the world to me! It was the one thing I got to share with You and Daddy...NO ONE ELSE! I always grabbed it when I got always calmed me down when no one was there since it reminded me of you guys! But now it's GONE!" Liberty says.

"Honey I know you're upset but we can get you a new on-" I say.


Liberty's Force Field shoots directly my way and slams me into the hallway...Liberty slams her door and locks it. Bose comes upstairs after hearing the screaming and the loud slam...he sees me and helps me up.

"What happened!" He asks.

"Liberty lost her necklace, she is on a rampage, I offered her to calm down and that we can get a new one...she did not like that."

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"She's blasted me across the entire park into straight concrete...I think I can handle a simple hallway shove but thanks baby." I say.

Bose laughs at my slight sarcasm but let's me go since I'm stable on my feet.

"I'm going to go cancel our reservation." Bose says.

"Ok, I'm going to change all the younger ones back into pajamas, we can have a movie night!"

"Great idea...but how are we going to get Ladybug out her room?" Bose asks.

"I'm going to tell her that we are having a movie together as a family downstairs and it's her choice if she wants to join. I'm not going to make a big deal out of her emotion filled actions since she just lost something dear to her but if she wants to cry it out in her room then that's how she will get over it or she can hang with family and distract herself for the night...But it completely up to her." I say.

"That sounds good to me."

Bose kissed my cheek as he walked towards our room to cancel the reservation. I walk downstairs to the playroom to find the boys playing with legos and Lili playing in the mini ball pit we got for her after seeing how much she loved the one at Duke E. Dawgs.

"Hey kiddos, we can't make it to the restaurant tonight so we are gonna get in our pjs, eat popcorn & candy, and watch a bunch of movies!" I say over enthusiastically.

"I like movies!" Barker says.

"I like candy!" Mickey says.

"Corn!" Lili says.

"Great Barker, Don't eat to much of it Mickey, and Lili it's Popcorn not corn. But let's get our jammies on and pick a movie!" I say.

2 hours later...

We finally got the kids settled...Lili insisted on bringing all her stuff animals downstairs but I negotiated and we agreed on 3. Mickey didn't want to put on pants so he's downstairs half dressed while Bose puts pants on him and Barker kept running around the house causing him to trip over a toy bruising his knee. But in the end we got them all to patiently wait on the couch while Bose makes the movie trays which insisted of popcorn, fruit snacks, pretzel sticks, cookies, and a juice box. No candy for tonight since we don't want them to be on a sugar crash tomorrow during school hours. I walk up to Liberty's Room and lightly knock on the door.

"Go away." Liberty says.

"I'm just here to say we are doing movie night can come if you want. We are all dressed in our Jammie's and snacking on our famous O'Brien movie trays. We have one more on the counter just for you can come get it even if you don't want to watch the movie with us. Alright love you ladybug." I say.

She didn't reply but Liberty is more of a doer than a now it's just up to Liberty to see what happens next.

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