Barker Gets Bullied

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Barker's POV

2 years later...

I'm standing outside the school waiting for Liberty and Mickey so we can all walk home together but 10 minutes pass by and they still aren't here. I stand for another 10 minutes and I start to get really worried. I mean what if they forgot about me or left me here alone? They wouldn't do that...they wouldn't right? Another 5 minutes pass by, a blue van pulls up in front of me, and then mama gets out looking extremely worried.

"Barker honey, are you okay...we have been worried sick!"

"Yea I'm fine mama...I have been standing here waiting for Liberty and Mickey."

Mama looks at me confused but then says...

"Honey, Liberty and Mickey have been home, they said that you said you would walk on your own."

Walk on my own? I never said that...they are lying!

"Mama I never said that!" I say.

"Those two are always trying to get you in trouble...come on BarBar let's go home." Mama said.

After 10 minutes we pull up in front of the house, I open the door and see Liberty and Mickey playing video games, Dada on the phone talking to someone, and Lili is playing with some toys on the floor. My older siblings see Mama and I with angry faces and they look slightly scared.

"Turn the game off kids." Mama said.

They turn off the game while Mama and I sit next to them on the couch.

"Why did you leave your little brother up at the school!"

"He always talks the entire way home Mommy!" Mickey says.

"'s always about homework and boring classes! Mom, Barker is such a little nerd!" Liberty says.

My siblings are the worst...I hate them! I get up and run to my room while crying.

"Barker wait!" Mama says.

Mika's POV

It was to late...Barker had already slammed the door by the time I said anything. I look at my two oldest who had slight guilt on their faces.

"Why would you two ever say those things about your brother?" I say.

"Because it's true!" Mickey said.

"YOU ALWAYS BABY HIM, It's always Barker in the right and everyone else is wrong!" Liberty says.

I stand up furiously but was sat back down by my husband reading the room.

"Kids go to your room." Bose says.

"Whatever." Liberty says with attitude.

"I don't want to go to the room with that big crybaby!" Mickey says.

Bose rolls his eyes while saying...

"Then take Lili and go to the playroom."

The kids go as told, Bose sits next to me, puts his arms around me, and slowly but surely I calmed down. After 10 minutes of silent cuddles Bose finally spoke.

"Now let's talk."

"Liberty and Mickey are becoming such bullies to their little brother and don't get me started with the attitude Liberty gave me!" I say.

"Ok we can always talk to the older two about respecting their brother and how he is but we also need to talk to Barker about being a little tougher." Bose says.

"What do you mean, Barker is tough!" I say.

"Mika c'mon, you know how shook up he got after hurting RT and Drex, he cried to sleep every night for 2 years and we babied him so much throughout the whole dilemma. Liberty, Mickey, and Lili were distant since they didn't get the same attention as Barker and we all know that. But now Barker is fine yet you still read him 5 extra books every night, let him stay up later then the older ones, and let him sleep in our bed if he wants. You and Barker are dealing with Slight Trauma and you both don't want to admit it."

I start to tear up at how spot on he was...I don't want to let go of the scared little boy Barker used to be. I mean he's 8 years old now yet I baby him more than 3 year old Lili and I expect Mickey and 13 year old Liberty to act older than they are.

"I'll never forget the scream he let out that night when he woke up and ran to us saying RT and Drex were going to get him again. Those 2 years were so hard...I felt like if I let him go he will get taken away again."

"He's fine Butterfly, you need to show him and the others that Barker is a big boy and can sleep a whole night in his own bed." Bose said.

"Barker hasn't sleep on his own in years...d-don't you think that's too extre-"

"No I don't...we are going to talk to all the kids and we will try it tonight." Bose said.

"Okay Bubba."

Mika grabs Mickey & Lili while I grab Liberty & Barker...we meet in the Living Room, sit all the kids on the couch, and start talking.

"Kids we brought you here to talk about how you guys have been treating Barker. It's not nice to bully and be mean to your brother! You are supposed to protect him and his feelings...I can't imagine how sad Barker feels when his older sister and twin brother won't even have his back." I say.

"And Barker you need to stand up for can't let people walk all over you! Also you won't be getting special treatment will be treated the same as your siblings which means no more sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed." Bose says.

Liberty and Mickey seemed to understand and felt quite guilty about how they were acting.

"I'm sorry for being really mean Barker...that's not how an older sister is supposed to act and I'm sorry Mom & Dad for giving you guys attitude." Liberty says.

"I'm also sorry for being so mean to you BarBar." Mickey says.

"Me sowwy too." Lili says.

I giggle at Lili, but I'm very proud of the kids for being the bigger person and apologizing. I looked at Barker's face and he doesn't seem too pleased with the sudden changes.

"Thank you kids...I'm so proud of you, now Lib can you take Mickey & Lili to the kitchen for some ice cream while we talk with Barker?" I say.

"ICE CREAM!" Mickeys screams while speeding to the kitchen.

"I SCWREAM!" Lili screams following her brother.

"You got it Mom." Liberty says.

I look back at Barker...his face full of tears; he was so scared of change and I can truthfully say that he got that from me.

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