All about Mickey

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Liberty's POV

I see my dad come back in the house but without Mickey, I decided to ask him what happened.

"Daddy where's Mickey?"

"Doing his punishment, he probably won't be back for a while." He said.

He won't be back for a while! Is mommy and daddy trying to get rid of Mickey just because he made her mad! I can't just sit here, next thing you know we all end up being punished too! Once Mommy and Daddy are asleep I'm breaking us out of here.

3 hours later...

Mickey is still not back, my parents are sleeping, and now's my time. I pack a bag and put 2 outfits for me, Barker, and Lili, Then I wake Barker up.

"Barker get up and stay quiet!"


"Mommy and Daddy are trying to get rid of us like they did with Mickey! I'm saving us now come on!"

Barker finally gets up in a slight panic, I go to Lili's room, pick her up, and we quietly walk downstairs. We get outside, I strap Lili in her stroller, and we start walking down the street. My plan is to walk to Uncle Miles house and he can keep us. We've been walking for 15 minutes, Lili fell back asleep in the stroller, and Barker then says...

"Sissy I'm tired."

"I know Barker but we only have to walk a little bit more and then we'll be at Uncle Miles house."


We walk for 30 more minutes and finally we make it there. I knock on the door, after 5 minutes of waiting the door opened, and the first person we saw was Aunt Chapa.

"What are you guys doing here this late! Come in." She said.

"Mommy and Daddy got rid of Mickey and I saved Lili, Barker, and myself from being next." I say.

"Liberty just go into the guest room and lay your siblings down in there. Barker looks exhausted and Lili is already sleeping. Then you can sleep on the bottom bunk of Justice's bunk bed, ok?" Auntie Chapa said.

"Ok, thanks."

Chapa's POV

"No problem kid, now go." I say.

How did these kids get all the way here without Mika and Bose noticing?, I need to call Mika now! I call Mika and after a couple rings she picks up.

Mika's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing, I see the phone contact, and now I'm wondering why Chapa is calling me at 10 pm.

"Chapa it's late is something wrong?"


I pull the phone away from my ear as Chapa continues to scream, I can almost feel her sparking from here. I can't believe the kids left all by themselves at this hour!


Me nearly shaking the entire room, woke up Bose in a extremely panicked state.

"AHH! What is happening?" He says.

I put Chapa on speaker phone and explain what is happening.

"Chapa look Mickey was being really disrespectful earlier today so we sent him to the enclosed forest in our backyard. He's safe and sound but his siblings don't know that so Liberty must of thought we got rid of Mickey and didn't want that to happen to her or her siblings." I say.

"Ohh, sorry for yelling but Mickey is only 5 years old and he's dealing with a lot. First school, I can't imagine how many times he gets compared to his Academic Allstar of a brother, Then with training he's told what to do and not being able to give input on how he can improve his own powers, now he just wants to go home be alone, do his own thing, and be Mickey with no one comparing him or lecturing him but then the stargazing was the last straw. I understand you love him, and of course he shouldn't be disrespectful to you but I think he just wants to be listened to. He doesn't get to use his voice as much as he would like to guys. It's always perfect sister Liberty, smart twin Barker, and the sweet baby Lili but Mickey is just Mickey. Unheard, Unseen, and the forever mischievous...don't you think he wants to hang out with his family? Obviously he does but his family need to listen to his wants to."

Finally it hits me, we expect so much out of Mickey because of his siblings but who we want Mickey to be isn't the Mickey he wants to be. Then when he's acts out for attention we neglect him and get frustrated. I start to cry thinking of how bad of a mother I am, I can't imagine how sad, scared, and alone he feels right now. All because I couldn't just talk to him...this is just like when Liberty would act out when the twins were babies and I would be so frustrated with her too. I don't deserve to call myself a good mother.

"I am a horrible mother." I say crying.

Bose scoots over near me and hugs me.

"You are a wonderful mother Mika." He says.

"Yea you are a amazing mom!" Chapa says.

"Then why do I feel like a piece of shit?" I ask.

"I don't know but trust me the kids will forgive you and Mickey is going to be fine. Just go get him so he doesn't have to be lost for any longer. The kids can sleep here for the night and Miles will teleport them home tomorrow afternoon. Ok?"

"Thank you Chapa, good night."

"Anytime Mika, see you later lovebirds." She hangs up.

As Chapa hangs up, Bose gets off the bed, starts putting on his shoes, and says...

"Alright I'll go get Mick-" Bose got cut out by our door opening and lo and behold it's Mickey with a tear streamed face.

Mickey runs up to me and hugs me as tight as he can. He silently starts to cry and that made me feel even more like shit.

"I'm so sorry mommy, I promise to be a good boy!"

"No, I'm sorry Mickey, I got too mad and I should of listened to you. I know school and training has been tough and you want some time to just do what Mickey wants to do. So if you want to stay back with Auntie Chapa and Uncle Miles you can, or Stop Training, or even take a break from school...I don't care. I just want you happy...I'm so sorry I've been such a bad mom to you." I say.

"But Mama I still want to go to school, training...and go stargazing." Mickey says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well School and Training is super hard but if I want to be as Smart and Strong as you and Dada I really want to keep doing it. I was just really mad at how hard it was but on my way here I saw the stars and they were super duper pretty, they calmed me down and I want to look at them again with Mama, Dada, Barker, and my Sissys. You are the best Mama ever and I still love you so much!" Mickey says.

"Thank you sweetie and if you ever feel like you need space and just want some alone time let us know and we will listen this time." I say.

"Same goes for me buddy." Bose says.

"Ok, where are my brother and Sissys?" Mickey asks.

"They thought we got rid of you and went to Auntie Chapa's house but they will come back tomorrow and I will explain everything to them." I say.

"Ok...but sometimes I like it when it's just Mama, Dada, and Mickey." Mickey says.

"Us too sweetie." I say.

Mickey, Bose, and I hugged then we watched TV all together in our bed. He fell asleep in 30 mins but we let Mickey sleep with us tonight since we both definitely needed some one on one time with our Mickey.

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