Explanation and Vacation

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Bose's POV

I wake up looking at the clock and see it's 9 am. I look to my right seeing Mika and Mickey fast asleep, of course it's the cutest sight so I snap a quick picture and send it to Mika and Mika's Parents since they adore any pictures of their grandkids especially with their beautiful daughter in it as well. I shower, get dressed, and go downstairs to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes for us because who doesn't like pancakes? As I'm plating breakfast Mika comes downstairs with a slightly sleepy Mickey on her back but his eyes lit up once he saw one of his favorite types of food.

"Dada you made Pcakes?"

"Sure did." I say.

"Yay! Mama can I please get down to eat Pcakes?" Mickey says.

"Yes you can and honey it's Pancakes not Pcakes." Mika says giggling at Mickey's Pronunciation.

"That's what I said." Mickey said.

Mika tried to correct him again but Mickey was already scarfing down Syrup Covered Pancakes. I walk over to Mika and say...

"Babe your pancakes are gonna become cold if you keep trying to correct him, let's just go eat."

Mika laughed at my comment, I grab Mika's hand, walk towards the table, and eat our breakfast before Mickey does lol.

3 hours later...

After we finished breakfast, Mika bathed Mickey, we watched a movie and decided to make lunch together so we can eat with the rest of the kids when they get here.
We decided to make Chicken nuggets, Mac & Cheese, and Broccoli since that's a Classic O'Brien Family Favorite. We hear a knock on the door and I open it seeing Miles with the kids, Liberty and Barker had cautious expressions since they didn't know Mickey was alive and well in the kitchen while Little Lili easily cried to get into my arms.

"Kids come inside we need to explain some stuff, and thanks Miles for bringing them here."

"No problem dude."

Miles teleports away and the kids walk slowly into the house. I put Lili into her playpen while I tell the kids to sit on the couch while I walk into the kitchen and tell Mika and Mickey to come into the living room. The kids see Mickey and they were relieved but also confused.

"Mickey your alive!" Liberty says.

"What?" Mickey says.

"Kids we didn't get rid of Mickey, he was safely walking around in the backyard as a punishment. We're so sorry for not explaining it to you and assuring you your brother was alright. But you should of talked to us if you were worried Liberty, you put your younger siblings in danger traveling outside and alone like that. But I'm proud of you for putting your siblings first and immediately going to another set of adults, just talk to us first next time, ok?" Mika explains.

Liberty gets up, hugs Mika, then says...

"Ok Mommy."

The boys get up, join the group hug, and I pick up Little Lili and join the group hug with her as well.

Mika's POV

2 months later...

So today we are going on the Swellview Cruise for 2 weeks with the fam. Right now we are walking into our suite which has a master bedroom, one big kids room with a triple bunk bed for the kids and a crib for Lili, a full bathroom, a half bath connected to the kids room, and a living room. The cruise has a big buffet, a bunch of kid and adult areas, and a water park. The best part of this trip is every night for the next two weeks we can come out on the upper deck and stargaze with the kids before bed.

"Woah that bunk bed is awesome!" Liberty says.

"I want the top" Mickey says.

"Ok Mickey you can have it as long as you promise to be safe up there." I say.

I stick out my pinky, his puts his tinier pinky around mine, and says...


"Ok who wants Middle Bunk?" Bose asks.

"I want Bottom it's safe down there." Barker says.

"Ok Barbar I'll take the Middle Bunk so you can be safe." Liberty says.

"Thanks Sissy!" Barker says.

"That was very nice Liberty." I say.

Liberty smiles while setting her stuff on her bed, the boys follow their sister's lead, and Lili saw her siblings getting comfy on their beds and said...


"Aw Lili, look this is your bed." Bose says.

Bose takes Lili from me and places her in the travel crib, she stands up, and says...

"Mine!" Lili says with a one tooth smile.

"That's right sweetie!" I say.

"Ok kids, put away your stuff, make your beds feel like home, and then when we call you from the living room, we can watch a movie and then call it a night, ok?" Bose says.

"Ok." They said.

1 hour later...

Bose and I got the popcorn, candy, blankets, pillows, and a TV show ready. Bose insisted a show called Hazard Power, it's about 4 kids who were accidentally given superpowers by helping these superheroes named Commander Woman and Child Hazard but the Superhero who's real name was May has to teach them how to use them. It sounded like a amazing show to watch with the kids so that's what we are watching tonight. Just as we were about to call the kids to watch the show the lights went out. I called for Bose to turn the lights on but he said he didn't turn them off. I hear the kids scream, Bose and I try to get to their room as fast as we can without running into anything, as soon as we get there and open the door the lights turn back on, and the room...was empty. Not one kid in sight, Bose and I split up and searched the ENTIRE suite, but still Nothing. Just as we circle back to the living room we see a note sitting onto of the popcorn...

"Meet me on the upper deck, come alone if you want your kids alive." - D & RT.

....Drex and Rick Twitler...They can mess with Bose and I but if they fuck with any one of our kids...this blue sea's about to turn red.

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