Panic Attack and Next Morning

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Bose's POV

After we hung up with Liberty, we called Miles to come over to watch the kids while we're gone. Of course he's here in seconds...then we asked him why Justice didn't end up going to her friend's house.

"Those girls are jerks and were turning Justice into their little minion. So we forbid her from hanging out with them again but she didn't know Liberty would be there. We would of told you guys but we thought Liberty was with you guys at Duke E. Dawgs." Miles says.

"Ok I understand but we got to go since Liberty is having a full on panic attack at this random girl's house. We want to get there and calm her down hopefully before she faints out of panic and we have to breakdown the door. We'll be back in like 15 to 20 minutes if this goes well." Mika says.

We leave the house, get in the car, and after 10 minutes we made it. We knock on the door and see a girl who looks around 12 years old.

"We're Liberty's Parents." I say to cut to the chase.

"Oh she's been in the bathroom for like a hour."

"Ok can we come in and get her please." Mika says.

"Sure." The little girl says.

We follow the little girl to the bathroom and you can hear Liberty whimpering in the bathroom. I lightly knock on the door and Liberty says...

"Go Away."

"Liberty it's Daddy and Mommy."

We hear a tiny shuffle then the door opens showing a sweaty, trembling, sad, and scared Liberty. She hugs me and it was such a tight grip like if she let go she would collapse to the ground. If felt like she hadn't seen me in years when really it's been 2 hours. I slowly pick her up, she wraps her hands around my neck, and hides her face in my neck then I heard her quietly say....

"P-please take me home."

I start to head towards the front door with Mika slowly behind me. I set Liberty in her booster seat and she buckled herself in. We finally get home after 10 more minutes of driving, I look in the backseat seeing Liberty had fell asleep, I go to tell Mika and see she's fast asleep too. I laugh at how all the kids fall asleep in the car just like Mika does. I get out the car, pick up Liberty bringing her inside to her bedroom. Once she's dealt with I go back outside to the car, pick up Mika bridal style then lock the car. Once I get inside I thank Miles for coming over this late and ask him to lock the door on his way out. Miles leaves, I walk upstairs with Mika, and lay her down on our bed. I changed into my pajamas, laid down on the bed, and Mika slightly woke up due to the weight of me getting on the bed.

"Are we home Bubba?" She asks.

I giggle at my sleepy wife thinking we still are in the car.

"Yes we are."

"Ok....I love you Bosey." She says.

"And I love you."

She wraps her arms around my waist while laying on my chest. I wrap my arms around her shoulders, move a little of her hair out of her face, kiss her forehead, and say...

"Goodnight Butterfly."

Instead of replying to me she squeezed me and I saw the little smile on her face as she drifted into dreamland. I truly don't know how to explain the feelings she makes me feel but damn do I love them....and her.

Mika's POV

The next day...

I wake up to find myself alone in my bedroom, I look at my phone and see it's 8 am. The kids are probably all still asleep, I get up to check on them and to find my husband's whereabouts. I check Liberty's room first to see her fully asleep in her clothes from last night. I quietly walk into her room, grab a throw blanket, and tuck her in. I leave walking to the boy's room, I open the door, and see the boys sleeping side by side in Mickey's Top Bunk. Most likely Barker woke up in the middle of the night and climbed up there lol. My sweet boys truly are attached at the hip and everytime I see them they remind me of my own dear brother. Lastly I go to Little Lili's Room, I open the door expecting to see Lili standing up waiting for me, but I was proven wrong when all I saw was a empty crib. I walk downstairs to find Bose and Lili watching SpongeBob together in the living room. Lili turns her head, sees me, her face lights up and she says...


Bose turns seeing me as well.

"Morning Honey!" He says.

"Good morning."

"Down." Lili says.

Bose gets the message and puts Lili down. She's still new to the walking thing so seeing her wobble her way over to me always warms my heart.

"The kids still asleep?" He asks.

" when do we want to talk to Liberty about yesterday?" I ask while picking up Lili.

"It's Saturday so we can bring the kids to the park, while the younger ones play we can sit her aside, and just talk to her." He says.


A hour passed by and finally the first sleepyhead comes down the stairs.

"Morning Mama, Dada, and Lili." Mickey says.

"Morning baby, want some eggs and bacon?" I ask.

"Yes please."

I set Lili down in the playpen, Mickey sits in kitchen with me, and watches me cook. I start to hear little footsteps coming down the stairs and in comes sleepyhead number two.

"Good Morning Dada, Mama, and lil sissy." Barker says.

"Morning Bud, Mama's cooking eggs and bacon, do you want some?" Bose asked.

"Yes please!"

Barker sits in the living room watching TV with Bose and waits for Breakfast to be done. I think it's easy to tell who's a Mama's boy and who's a Daddy's boy between the boys, am I right? I finally hear the 3rd set of footsteps from the 3rd sleepyhead coming down the stairs while I had just finished cooking breakfast.

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