New Year, Same Old Liberty

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Mika's POV

3 months later...

So today is Lili's birthday and we are throwing a little party for our last baby. It's Friday so once the kids get home from school , we will get dressed and go to Duke E. Dawg's to celebrate Lili's birthday...but mostly to tire out all the kids. We didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a big celebration of the 1st year of life that they won't remember. Birthday Parties for 1 year olds are more for the parents acknowledging that they made it a year as a parent and that they are so perfect and their baby is perfect because of their perfect parenting. But that's not how we roll, Bose and I have been parents for a decade now but we definitely aren't perfect. Liberty had anxiety for years since we cooped her up inside for 5 years, Mickey was thrown into a empty forest by himself at 5 years old because of our poor communication, Barker is a extreme softie and hurting people is his worst nightmare, and Little Lili may only be one but she probably has the potential to out smart all of us. But we've been parents since we were 12 years old and instead of taking care of 4 kids we took care of a whole city. So if my kids are happy and healthy by the end of every day then I think we doing a great job being parents especially since we're superheroes with super-powered kids which gives a little more of a challenge.

The kids get home, Liberty looked scared and a little guilty, Mickey looked a little upset, and Barker looked dirty and sad.

"Kids, what happened to Barker?" I ask.

"Liberty did it!" Mickey said full of anger.

I look at Liberty and she doesn't dare make eye contact with me.

"Liberty look at me." I say.

Liberty looks up.

"What did you do to your brother?" Bose asks.

"I pushed him."

"Why would you do that...did he do anything that annoyed you?" I ask.

"I was with Justice's group of friends after school while waiting for Mickey and Barker. But when they showed up, Barker mentioned going to Duke E. Dawgs then my friends made fun of me. So I pushed him because he made my friends make fun of me."

"Honey your brother was just excited to go to Duke E. Dawgs. Can you please be nice and just apologize to him?" I say.

"No, I only hang out with my younger siblings and they're babies. So Justice and her friends think I'm just a little baby going to Duke E. Dawgs. I want to be able to go out to big girl hangouts like Justice and not stay home and do baby stuff!"


"Don't call me that, it's a baby nickname!" Liberty says.

"Ok Liberty, I understand you want to do more big girl things but you hurting your younger siblings just to impress your friends isn't nice. Friends accept you for who you are and Justice's friends don't seem like nice girls. So I want you to apologize to your brother but you still have to come to Duke E. Dawgs to celebrate Lili's birthday." Bose says.

"I'll apologize to Barker but I'm not going to Duke E. Dawgs. Justice gets to go to her friends house and I want to go to. If I can't go I'm not apologizing." Liberty says.

Bose's POV

"Come on Liberty don't be li-"

I was cut off but Mika saying...


Ok! She can't miss her baby sister's first birthday celebration. I look at Mika slightly confused but she gives me a look like she'll explain later.

2 hours later...

The family is all ready and we all get settled in the car. We drop off Liberty at her friend's house and now I ask Mika to finally explain.

"Baby, we have to remember we can't force our kids to do anything they don't want to do no matter if it's good or bad. If something happens at the friends house then she will be getting consequences of her own choices but if nothing happens and she doesn't regret her choice then good for her. We did our job helping her make memories for the last 10 years now it's her turn." She says.

"You're right she's been cooped up enough. I just will always see her as my little girl that I can't admit to myself she's growing up." I say.

"Yea I know, I learned that last time from the forest incident I had with Mickey. I don't want to ever see any of my kids that mad at me or ever feel that sad and alone ever again." She says.

We pull into the parking lot and walk into the Duke E. Dawgs. The boys went straight to the claw game with Mika and I watched Lili have the time of her life in the ball pit. After about 2 hours of playing we saw the kids starting to slowly fall asleep standing up so I picked up the twins and Mika carried Lili. We put them all in their car seats and started to drive home...we stopped at a McDonald's and got dinner for the kids in case any of them woke up. Plus Liberty can eat on it once I pick her up later tonight.

We get to the house, change all the kids into their PJ's, and they all were in the beds and fast asleep by 8 pm. Liberty is staying at her friends house until 10 so she will be exhausted when she comes home. But like magic Mika gets a call from Liberty's smart watch that she got for her 10th birthday. Mika answers the phone and puts it on speaker...


We immediately can tell she was crying and panicking.

"Breathe Liberty, Mommy and Daddy are here." Mika says.

"Justice's friends said Justice was running late so I waited for her but it's been 2 hours, there are so many people here, I don't know any of them, and I locked myself in their bathroom because it feels like I can't breathe and my head is spinning." Liberty said.

"Ok we are coming to get you right now ok?" I say.

"O-ok please h-hurry." Liberty says.

I guess Liberty's Anxiety is back and we need to go save our first baby girl.

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