Author's Note

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So this is just a collection of different one shots or dribbles of the guys of the hit tv show Vikings.

Most of them will feature some sort of smut but if not, at least will have mature themes.

Sigurðr is NOT among the love interests as I personally don't find him appealing and his personality was shit (the character not the actor).

This is an active book and I'll keep adding to it as I see fit, which means there won't be a set upload schedule. As such, I have over 40 stories written but not all are completed so won't be posted until they are.

NO you cannot make requests, this is just for me to unwind or get something outta my mind to help with writer's block.

Some are set in the Viking shows era and may or may not follow along with the story line, while some are set in modern AU.

Most are Y/n reader inserts but some are with actual named characters of my own creations.

Any images used are ones I've found on google and belong to their respective owners.


While some people might think Vikings cursing with words like "fuck" and "shit" didn't happen, you are greatly mistaken. It is well noted that they indeed had words for general curses as well as some more exaggerated ones, such as calling someone a skirt chaser, a raven starver, dandy, and stinkfart. So don't come at me if you feel they wouldn't say those things because you can bet Sigurðr's hrodi (snot) face they would! 😜

Some common viking curses:

Streð mik! - Fuck me!
Sorðinn - Fuck
Skitr - Shit
Við hamri Þórs! - by Thor's hammer!

And here's an image with singular words to add together to make up your own pizzazz curses!

And here's an image with singular words to add together to make up your own pizzazz curses!

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Enjoy! ❤️

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