Max Verstappen [35]

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A/N Wished by landochamps_f1. I hope you like it! New chapter of "Dalliance" later today because I am busy tomorrow (:

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew Maryletomlinson natalkaf1 cosmicless auguriaep MegTheF1Weirdo ALCAH94 imlikeeveryoneelse EstefGR21 anna131107

WORDS: 1315

[35]-Can you move? My arm is falling asleep

"I am tired." You whine, barely able to keep your eyes open while Max is driving his car trough the night. You have just returned from the race weekend and need to drive back home from the airport to our apartment. Knowing you shouldn't fall asleep right now because you aren't that far away from home, but you are really tired and want to sleep.

"I know, we are home soon and then you can rest." Max gives you a reassuring glance, but his eyes stay fixated on the road, wanting to bring you home safely without any accidents. You did understand his words and try to keep your eyes open, but they flutter close again and again until you decide to keep them close.

"Hey, don't fall asleep or I have to wake you up again in five." Max gently nudges his hand against your tight and you open only one of you eyes to peak at him. You are on the verge of falling asleep but at the same time have try so hard not to. Maybe talking could keep you awake.

"You could carry me to bed." You suggest Max because this way you could simply fall asleep and don't have to worry about needing to wake up in a few minutes again. Could rest without the upcoming tasks like walking up stairs, driving with the elevator and getting ready for bed.

"I love you, but you aren't a toddler anymore." Max laughs softly, making you pout. "Rude!" You tiredly hit Max arm because he called you to tall and heavy to be carried around, but he only needs to giggle more about your words because you behave like a toddler even though you aren't one.

"Sorry love." Max grabs one of your hands, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it before he lets go of it and takes the steering wheel in both hands again. His gesture makes you smile softly, and you look out of the window trying to go trough the last minutes of this drive home.

"And we are home." Max announces after he has parked his car in the garage under the house and looks over to you. "Hm..." You just hum, knowing what he said but your body feels heavy with tiredness, and you want to give in the urge to sleep.

"Open your pretty eyes for me." Max mutters these words while his fingers gently trace your cheek, carefully trying to get your attention. You open your eyes just a little bit, glancing at Max who smiles softly at you.

"They are open." Just mumbled words leave your lips, making Max chuckle, because he wouldn't call your eyes as open, but it will probably not get better than this. "Barely, but I accept it."

"Lucky me." You try to keep you eyes at least a little bit open when you leave the car, leaning against Max as soon as you have walked around the car while he gets the suitcases out of the trunk. Max feels warm again you and you need to blink a few times because his body heat almost lulls you in.

"Come, lets go to bed." He carefully wraps one of his arms around you, helping you to stand up straight while you walk over to the elevator which will bring you up to the right floor. You love to accompany Max but coming home this late is nothing you would like to do on a regular basis.

"I already hear it calling for me." You giggle softly, mimicking that your bed is calling your name, only waiting for you to sleep in it. When you are tired you sometimes do weird things, but Max loves your sometimes a bit missed side.

"And she starts to hallucinate." Max laughs, not minding that you pinch him into the side as a little punishment, head still leaning against his shoulder while your eyes follow the display of the floor, sighting when you finally reach your desired destination.

Almost stumbling you enter the apartment, loving the smell of home. You place the suitcases in the hallway, not bringing them further with you because you will care for them tomorrow. There is no time for this now and they will not walk away until you got a good night full of sleep.

"Need to go to the bathroom." You inform Max, walking with shorts steps to the bathroom to get yourself ready for bed. Max follows you and together you start to brush your teeth, back leaning against his chest while you look at each other trough the mirror. Just when you have put on something to sleep in Max scoops you up in his arms, making you squeak.

"And now to bed." He grins down at you, switching the light of the bathroom off to walk over to the bedroom. "Now you carry me?" You ask him with a scoff, because just ten minutes ago he was telling you he isn't going to carry you.

"There is a difference between a few steps with you in my arms and carrying you while I try to hold both our suitcases." Max explains, kissing the tip of you nose, making you scrunch it softly while your heart flutters at his gesture.

"Fair enough." You accept his explanation that it would have been difficult for him to carry you while trying to control both of your suitcases. In the bedroom Max doesn't even flick the light on, just walks over to the bed and lets you fall onto the mattress.

"Finally." You sight, stretching your arms above your head, taking up all the space in bed before you grab the duvet to cuddle your tired body under it. "Sometimes I think you love this bed more than me." Max mumbles, taking his place beside you in bed, while you giggle softly.

"Only sometimes." You confirm his words and for a second Max wants to tickle you but remembers how tired you are and lets you get away with it this time. Cuddling against Max you sight softly and finally close your eyes to fall asleep, closely wrapped into his embrace.

Max breath brushes over your face and you feel yourself more and more relaxing, hoping to drift into a deep sleep soon, when Max starts to move a little bit around. You try to ignore it, but it clearly stops you from falling asleep.

"Love?" Max asks, hoping you will not too mad that he wakes you up again. "What?" You peak up to him with one eye, a little bit annoyed that he isn't letting you sleep and keeps you awake.

"Can you move? My arm is falling asleep." Max moves said arm under you head and you simply lift your head to let him pull his arm away. You turn around, back now facing Max to change you position you will sleep in.

"Romantic as always." You mumble and Max starts to pout, because he doesn't like it when you call him unromantic. He comes closer to you again, wrapping his arm around your waist, to have you close to his chest, just not longer laying on his arm.

"I am able to be romantic." He grumbles into your neck, not wanting to discuss this now but still wants to make sure you are not mad at him for keeping you awake. A sight leaves your lips, and you place your hand on the arm which is wrapped around you.

"I know. Let me sleep now." You entwined you fingers with each other and know that Max is much happier now which means he is finally able to let you sleep and hopefully will sleep some time himself.

"Of course." Max says, giving you a last sweet kiss onto the cheek before you both drift into a deep sleep, finally getting some rest. 

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