Her Miracle

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Age: Unborn
Warning: None
Word count: 365

When Natasha found out she was pregnant it was a lot for her to wrap her head around. The red room took her chance of being a mother so she gave up on that dream many years ago. 

At first she tried to ignore the fact you were living inside her. Once Steve found out that Natasha was pregnant he wanted to help her get through it. She tried to push him away but he kept coming back to help.

Natasha woke up one morning and as she walked past her Mirror she noticed her stomach looked swollen with life. She brushed it off and put on a oversized hoodie to hide you.

The team noticed she had been wearing baggie clothes but they all brushed it off thinking nothing of it. The more Natasha's morning sickness got worse the whole team noticed and were starting to get worried about her.

She was really close with Clint but she still kept you a secret from him. The only reason steve knew was because he found her test in the garage garbage hidden under papers. The more you grew the more Natasha stayed in her room.

Steve would come and go from her room making sure she was eating, he knew that she wanted to run away from this but couldn't. Deep down she was getting attached to you but would never show that.

Natasha fell asleep but woke up around Twelve AM in the morning. She felt a little flutter in her lower abdomen and it startled her at first till she realized it was you showing her that you were there.

She finally accepted that you weren't going anywhere and started to talk to you and show affection towards her life giving body. She never stopped telling you how much she loved you and how you were her miracle baby 

Hey everyone! I'm excited to start this book and I'm excited to announce that I'm taking requests!

Feel free to comment any requests you have!

I really appreciate you all and I would love to hear your opinions on this first chapter!

Bye! See you next time

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