Momma's girl

643 18 0

Age: 1
Warning: None
Word count: 649

Natasha woke up to you sleeping in your crib, she smiled at how peaceful you looked. No worries and a mother by your side to fight the demons for you. You never had to worry about anything, in like your mother.

She didn't grow up with a mother and she was determined to be the best mother. As Natasha started to fully wake up, you woke up. Your momma picked you and changed you into day clothes.

She put you on her hip and walked out, she put you in your highchair. She put up your favorite show on her iPad as she cut food into small bits for you.

Natasha put a plate of small chunks of banana, strawberries and blueberries. She put milk in a sippy cup for you, you got your hands all messy from eating.

Your momma just smiled as you laughed at how you got food all over the place. Natasha picked you up, washed your face and cleaned your sticky hands.

She put you in front of the tv with a bunch of toys by you. As you started to play and watch the movie, you noticed Natasha sit down in her chair next to you.

She wasn't paying attention to you, instead she was working on her computer. You wanted her attention and you were determined to get it, your last name is romanoff for a reason.

You started off with trying to babble at her but that didn't work, so you clapped your tiny hands together. Hoping this would get your moms attention, but it didn't work.

You Crawled over to her and pulled her pant let, she looked down at you and realized you wanted her attention. Natasha put her computer down and picked you up, putting you on her lap.

You put your side up against her and you slightly buried your head in her neck. She smiled as you continue to watch the show with your thumb in your mouth.

That's when Steve came in, he stood over Natasha and pecked her on the lips. Steve and your momma have been dating since you were 5 months. It took a long time to warm up to him but you did eventually.

Steve picked you up and gently held you in the air. "Theirs my princess!" He said in a soft loving voice, he then brought you to his chest before giving you back to your momma.

You honestly didn't mind people holding you but if they held you too long, you weren't shy to tell them. Since day one you have always been a mommas girl, never wanting to leave her side.

Natasha didn't know how you would react to her going back to work, that means missions and less time with you. She was scared about leaving you but knew they would build up to it.

She has to get back to work in a few months, since that's when her maternity leave ends. Fury was like a loving grandfather, always let your momma off the hook since she had you.

He and Steve even looked after you sometimes when your momma needed a break or a nap. They also helped Natasha out at night when you where teething or woke up sick.

Before you know it, your out like a light. Right on your mommas chest, listening to her soothing Russian lullaby.

Sorry I Haven't updated in a while! I was busy then went on vacation! Also I have kinda ran out of ideas so suggestions would be great!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

Remember if you have a idea for a chapter then hit me up! I love to hear your guys ideas!

I'm you are all safe and well!

Love your author

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now