
539 14 6

Age: 2 months
Warning: none
Word count: 480
Request: Griffin_Girl

Natasha was in the kitchen making dinner for the team, she noticed you and Steve on the floor playing with your blocks

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Natasha was in the kitchen making dinner for the team, she noticed you and Steve on the floor playing with your blocks. She smiled at you and Steve. She was truly thankful for Steve, she wouldn't have been able to do the whole mom thing without him.

You started babbling at him as you stacked your wooden blocks. He was lying on his stomach, smiling at him happily. Steve noticed your momma having a problem with the burner so he got up and started walking towards her.

You hated when people would leave so you put your arms out asking to be picked up "Dadda!" He turned around in complete shock that you called him dad, Nat was shocked too. Steve looked at Nat, Nat smiled and nodded at him.

He walked over and picked you up. "I'm Dadda baby" he loved you like his own, even though he wasn't your father, Natasha didn't know who your father was and honestly she knew there could be a chance Steve is your father but she didn't care as long as you were happy.

Nat knew she needed to get a DNA test for you and Steve, she didn't go sleeping around but she had two night stands with strangers she met at the bar, then she slept with Steve. It was all so close together that Steve could be your father, she didn't want to get his hopes up till she knew for sure.

This all scared Natasha but she was happy that you looked at Steve as your father cause that's what he's been to you, up all night with you when your momma was to tired to deal with it. He changed your dipper, played with you, took you to the park and so much more.

The more she looked at you the more she noticed you slightly looked like Steve, you had your mommas hair and eyes but it looked like the eye shape, chin, along with the soft touch belonged to Steve. She went online and ordered a DNA test hoping to find out if he was your father or not.

Once she finished ordering you started to get tired so she picked you up, fed you and changed your dipper. Your eyes were drooping as she changed you into your night clothes. Your momma put you in your crib along with your favorite teddy bear. You fell asleep to the sound of your momma singing to you.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I couldn't really think of what to put in it! You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

Any requests for the next chapter? Feel free to message me if you think of any! I love to hear your ideas!

I'll see you next time stay safe bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now