
461 14 0

Age: 1
Warning: None
Word count: 516

You woke up and started crying, it was early and Natasha haven't gotten much sleep. It didn't matter how badly your momma needed to sleep, she picked you up anyways and held you close to her body.

"What's wrong my love" she looked at your watery eyes, that's when she noticed something white in your mouth. Natasha slowly put her finger in your mouth and there it was, a little tooth popping out of your gums.

Your momma walked to the fridge with you in her arms, she opened the freezer revealing many pacifiers. Natasha knew that the coolness on your gums would help ease the pain.

She took one out and softly put it in your mouth, you took it. Letting the frosty cold Pacifier ease the pain in your mouth, your green eyes were still glossy but no longer crying.

You sucked in it till it got warm, that's when you spit it out. Your momma washed the pacifier and put it back in the freezer, she took you back to her room since it was quite early in the morning.

You pulled on her shirt indicating that you were hungry, she pulled down her shirt and bra exposing her Breast. You latched on and started drinking your mommas milk, Natasha smiled as you fed.

The pain in your mouth eased as you drank but once you latched off it hurt again. Natasha let you nibble on her finger as she slowly closed her eyes, Steve walked in noticing your momma falling asleep.

"Nat? Let me take her, you really need to sleep. You haven't slept well in weeks"  He took you as your momma slowly walked to her bed, she fell over falling asleep. He could tell you were teething since one, Natasha haven't slept and two, he noticed the white thing in your mouth.

Steve held you close as he put a cold pacifier in your mouth, he sang softly to you as your eyes started to slowly close. His voice was soft and steady, his touch was loving and soft. Steve's touch was almost like your mommas but your momma was much softer.

He put you in your crib along with your teddy bear and favorite blanket that Nat gave you the day you were born. Steve tucked you in softly but stayed by your crib in case you woke up again, he wanted to make this motherhood thing easier on Nat.

Steve noticed that you were starting to get restless again so he went to grab another ice cold pacifier from the fridge.

Nat was deep asleep next to were he sat to watch you, he gave you the pacifier.That's when you fell asleep to the coolness of the pacifier against your achy gums.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

Any requests for the next chapter? Feel free to message me if you think of any! I love to hear your ideas!

I'll see you next time stay safe bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now