Dadda? Pt 2

381 13 0

Age: 2 months
Warning: Slight blood
Word count: 492

Natasha got the DNA test in the mail that morning, she opened it as Steve walked over "nat? What do you need that for?" He asked with lots of confusion in his voice

"I umm...I slept with two men when I was drunk, then slept with you the same week." She took a deep breath before continuing "All of it was close to when I conceived Y/N" she stopped mid sentence.

Steve looked at her with a light layer of tears in his eyes "you think she might be mine?" She nodded as she was unboxing the test. "Steve, I need to draw some blood from you" he didn't hesitate to agree.

Natasha drew blood from Steve and you, then took it to the lab. It took three hours to get the results back and in the mean time Natasha woke you up. She changed your dipper then started to feed you, she pulled down her tank top.

Exposing her breast and once she offered her breast to you, you didn't hesitate to take it and start drinking. As you were breastfeeding your momma got a notification that the test results were in.

She put a blanket over you so you could continue to feed as she went to the lab, as she fed you Natasha walked into the lab grabbing the results. Your momma looked at the results...

It was 99.999% sure Steve was the man who fathered her little girl. She took you off of her and smiled at you, she burped you and walked out to find Steve.

Steve was sitting on the couch reading, that's till he saw Natasha face. "Nat? What's wrong?" He got up and ran to her side, all your momma could do was smile at him as he looked worried and confused.

"Steve, you are her was 99.999% you two are related" Tears fell from his eyes as he took you from nat's arms, he may have held you many times before but this time was different. This time you were his baby girl.

"I just fed her so you can go hang with your daughter Steve" he smiled as he walked away, he played with you till you got tired. Steve held you against his bare chest, feeling your soft baby skin.

Steve couldn't believe that Natasha had given him something as precious as you. You started to fall asleep on his chest, you fell deep asleep to your fathers big strong arms protecting you.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

I would love to hear your opinions on a if I should make a part 3!

Any requests for the next chapter? Feel free to message me if you think of any! I love to hear your ideas!

I'll see you next time stay safe bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now