
514 18 2

Age: Almost one
Warning: Breastfeeding 
Word count: 570
Request: Romanoffs_Daughter

It was early in the morning and you woke up crying, Natasha picked you up and tried to give you a bottle but you rejected it

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It was early in the morning and you woke up crying, Natasha picked you up and tried to give you a bottle but you rejected it. She knew you wanted her milk but she wanted to start trying a bottle since you were getting older, and she had more and more missions

Natasha has been trying to wean you off her milk for a few weeks but failed every time, you were hungry and she knew this since your little belly rumbled. She tired once more to give you the bottle but once again you didn't take it.

She lost hope and decided to try again later that day, Natasha pulled down her shirt and exposed her breast. It didn't take you long to latch on and start eating, Natasha was really trying But your stubborn just like your mother.

Steve walked in and noticed she was breastfeeding you again, he sighed and looked at Natasha "Failed again?" He walked up to her and rubbed your soft red ginger hair. All Natasha could do was nod "she won't take the bottle, she wants my milk all the time but I'm not around as much anymore"

She sat down in the rocker and rocked back and fourth as she fed you. "People can't watch her if she won't take a bottle, i'm pumping so it would be my milk she just won't put the bottle in her mouth" She was near breaking.

Steve squatted in front of her and looked at you, you smiled at him as you fed. You were happy to finally be eating again, he smiled as he shook his head. "Nat you should try pumping in front of her, show her that the milk won't be different just what she's latching into is different"

She smiled in some pain, it was slightly painful feeding you all the time. That's why she was trying to wean you, even though you failed each time. She also knew the older you got the harder it would be to wean you off of her milk.

Natasha took you off of her breast mid-feed and that made you upset. You wanted milk so you started to whine. She showed you that her milk was going into the bottle, she tried to give it to you one more time....

Then FINALLY you took the bottle, realizing that it was still your momma's milk but from a different source. She sighed in relief that you finally accepted the bottle, now she could get a break and you could finally be watched by people other then her or Steve.

You finished the bottle and she burped you so that if you fell asleep you would be comfortable. Natasha didn't plan to fully wean you, she was worried it would startle you so she would do it slowly. Once you burped you fell asleep on Natasha's chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, quite a bit longer then the other one's and maybe a lot better. But I'll let you be the judge of that!

Any requests for the next chapter? Feel free to message me if you think of any! I love to hear your ideas!

I'm working on the next request so stay tuned for that! I'll see you next time stay safe bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now