
503 13 2

Age: 16
Warning: Blood, shooting and swearing
Word count: 591
Request: Romanoffs_Daughter

Age: 16Warning:  Blood, shooting and swearingWord count: 591Request: Romanoffs_Daughter

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Today was the day you were going to ask your mom if you could come on her mission. Natasha has always been super protective of you and honestly so has the whole team.

You walked out of your room and greeted the team along with your mother. "Morning mom"
You said as you sat down besides her. She put her book down and looked at you.

"Morning baby" she got up to make breakfast and you followed her. "You know mom...I was wondering if I could come on the mission today?"

Natasha turned to look at you, she was surprised by this but knew this day would come eventually. "Absolutely not, it's to dangerous and you don't have the proper training yet"

She was right, you didn't have the best training but you were hella smart and super fast. When ever there is a problem you quickly adapted to the situation.

"What? Why! I'm smart and I'm fast! I can do it" you looked at her and she looked back. This was a fight you knew you couldn't win, but that didn't stop you from trying.

"Y/n/n no, we talked about this. Once you agree to fully train with me but till then you can't go" Obviously this upset you, you knew you could do it. Why couldn't she see that too?

You put on a replica of your moms black widow suit that Tony made for you, he gave it to you so you could get the feel of  fighting in a tight suit.

You grabbed a few guns and knifes and put them on your suit belt. You then snuck on the Q- Jet, praying your mother or the team wouldn't see you.

Natasha and the rest of the team boarded, she noticed you didn't come say goodbye. So she assumed you fell asleep and forgot, she wasn't thinking you could have snuck on.

They landed about a hour later, you didn't know how your mom could do it. Hours in a tight black suit, it was hot, sweaty and just plain gross.

Natasha was getting shot at and she shot back but she didn't see a bullet coming at her from behind. You jumped in and took the shot, your arm went limp and pain just took over

"Holy shit this hurts!" Natasha realized what happened and ran to help you. "Y/N! What the hell! I told you to stay at the tower!" This wasn't just a mad Natasha.

This was a pissed off I'm doing to kill you Natasha, it's a hundred times scarier. "Mom I-" she didn't let you finish "quiet! We need to get you medical attention. Damnit Y/N! Why can't you just listen for once!"

That's when you started to feel dizzy, almost like you were floating. The world seemed to go a thousand miles an hour, but the words people were saying..they were slow.

You stumbled trying to get your balance, your head throbbing along with your arm. Then Before you know it..everything went black.

Sorry this took so long to make! I have had a lot going on! Then completely forgot about it!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

Remember if you have a idea for a chapter then hit me up! I love to hear your guys ideas!

I'm you are all safe and well!

Love your author

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now