Night time

426 11 1

Age: 12 months
Warning: None
Word count: 577

You were playing with a baby play phone in Natasha's office as she worked. You started to get cranky since it was way past your bedtime, your momma noticed how late it was getting and knew if you were cranky then you were tired.

She picked you up, you started to cry and whine. You wanted to continue playing but at the same time your toys were making you upset cause they weren't doing what you wanted them to. Natasha laid you on the bed and put your nighttime onesie on.

You kept crying making your momma think your hungry, she pulls down her shirt exposing her breast. You latch on and start feeding, the crying stopped and turned into little whimpers.

Once you were fed she gave you, your blanket then put you down in your cot. Natasha left the door slightly open since you never liked it fully shut.

It wasn't even five minutes before you were out of your crib and crawling down the hall. Your momma was talking with the team, she didn't even notice you...but Tony did.

"Agent romanoff, I think your daughter is on the lose" she gave a confused look at him before turning her attention to the hallway. You crawled right up to her and put your arms up for her to pick you up.

She picked you up but gave you a mum look that told you she was slightly upset at you. This didn't make you happy cause you knew what was to come

"Y/N you need yo go back to bed, it's late and way past your bedtime" She scolded you but the team convinced her to let you stay. You held onto your blanket, the blanket Natasha gave you the day you were born.

You wouldn't go anywhere without this blanket, Natasha smiled at you as you slowly fell asleep in her arms. She couldn't imagine what would happen if Draykov got to you, she didn't want you growing up like she did.

She needed to protect you from the outside world but how could she? You have always been a curious kid, she couldn't stop you from learning. No one outside of the avengers knew about you.

That includes Yelena, Alexi and Melina. Oh boy what hell it would be if they found out, but for now you were her's and only her's. She could think about that later.

She knew you would only go to bed if she was with you, so she said good night to the team and got herself ready for bed. Natasha put shorts on and a tank top, she knew you liked skin to skin contact.

It was easier for you to bond that way, she laid down then put you on her chest. You slowly drifted off to sleep your left thumb in your mouth and your right hand holding onto your blanket and your mommas shirt.

You started you fall asleep to her rhythmic breathing and her hand on your back, you fully fell asleep to her soft voice and smooth skin against your soft newborn skin.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

Any requests for the next chapter? Feel free to message me if you think of any! I love to hear your ideas!

I'll see you next time stay safe bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now