The day you were born

433 15 1

Age: New born
Warning: None
Word count: 442

The day you were born was the happiest day of Natasha's life. She learned that she could love someone more than life itself, that was a big step for her. The avengers were supportive of Natasha during the last few months of her pregnancy. Once you woke up, you woke up on your momma's arms and you gripped Natasha's finger and started to whine.

She held you close to her chest, your head laying on her chest listening to the steady heartbeat of your mother, Steve walked in and your little green eyes followed him as he sat on the hospital bed. The moment he opened his mouth you recognized his soothing voice.

It was the same voice that had talked to you for the months that Natasha was pregnant with you. Your little arms reached out for Steve to take you, Natasha smiled and handed you off to Steve. "My..Natasha she's beautiful what's her name?" his voice was soft and soothing.

"Her name is Y/N Alianovna Romanoff" As your mother spoke you looked back at the voice that you had been soothing to all those months. "She knows your voice" Natasha said as she looked at Steve with the same eyes that you had.

"I did talk to her a few times.." He handed you back to your momma after you started to get fussy. She started to feed you as she talked to Steve some more. "You know, you have been there through this like a father..have you ever considered that Y/N would grow up calling you dad?"

Steve looked a little shocked by the sudden question but once he looked back at you he smiled "I love her like a daughter and she isn't even mine" You momma smiled as she supported your body so you could feed comfortably.

"I would love if she grew up calling you dad Steve.." her voice softer then before since you were starting to fall asleep as you fed. She pulled you away from her warm body and started to slowly burp you. Once you let it out she put you back against her body.

Your head on her chest, you fell asleep to the sound of your momma's steady heartbeat. The warmth of her body and the sound of her soothing voice is what you fell asleep to.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I would love to hear your requests before I run out of ideas!

I was thinking longer chapters would be nice but I would like your opinion on that!

I'll see you next time bye!

Natasha romanoff X Daughter reader POVWhere stories live. Discover now