
624 13 0

Age: 17
Warning: swearing
Word count: 546
Request: Jordan_Romanoff

You and Peter have been friends since he first came to the avengers, and that was like 5 years ago

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You and Peter have been friends since he first came to the avengers, and that was like 5 years ago. Peter was about two years older then you, meaning he could do missions

You didn't always want to be an avenger, well..not since you started getting compared to Peter. You and Peter were two completely different people I mean, he had spider powers and you had no powers.

It was about noon and you needed to start on your homework. Your grades were good you had a B's in all your classes, yet Peter had all A's.

You stayed up all night studying for the math test, you got a C+ and Peter got a A+. Tony was usually the one who compared you to Peter, he just wanted to help you but it didn't. Honestly? It made things worse

"Come on y/n if you just studied like Peter you would have gotten an A+" As expected tony opened his mouth again. Comparing you to a boy two years older than you and possibly smarter.

"Tony shut up! God, why can't you understand that we are two different people! I'm not peter!"
Tony put the paper back on the table and crossed his arms

"Trust me I know." That pushed you over the limit. You tore the paper in half, right in front of him. Then walked into your room, this honestly didn't surprise you. They have been comparing you with Peter for years, and never got the hint that it hurt like hell.

Natasha and Tony started talking in the kitchen "Nat come on! Is she only studied like peter then all her grades would be better!" Natasha noticed that in the last week you have become quiet, less engaged and just straight up depressed.

"Can't you see! This is hurting her! Stop comparing her to peter, I'm sick of all this shit. All you do is yell and scream at her like it's going to change, it doesn't. Honestly you just stink at helping her!"

Natasha walked into your room, your lights are off but there is a phone light coming from the bed. Moments later you feel someone sit on the bed, you look up and notice it was your momma.

"Mom?" She looked into your eyes "I'm sorry i didn't notice it sooner. Tony likes to talk shit and it does get out of control sometimes" you nod slowly as tears fall down you cheeks

"Oh малыш" (baby) she wipes your tears softly with her thumb. "I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere ok?" You slightly smile as you sit up to hug her. The both of you hug for what felt like hours "I love you маленький паук" (little spider)

Sorry this took so long to make! I forgot about this with all that has been going on.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, You can give me feedback on the chapter or the book itself!

if you have a idea for a chapter then hit me up! I love to hear your guys ideas! Plus it would help a lot since I'm out of ideas

I'm you are all safe and well!

Love your author

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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