Prologue: DUET PARTY

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This chapter is about SUNNY and MARI's duet. It takes place before her death.

(Also, I don't think we deserve
Perfectheart's theme)

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Sunny POV

I wake up in my own bed, all my friends surround me. I hear Hero shouting at me...
"Sunny! Sunny! Wake up!! It's recital day!!"

Oh...the and Mari have been practicing for ages now that I've decided to pick up violin again...

Then Kel starts up...

"Sunny...someone new moved in today!!"

Sadly I won't be able to get to know them...I am moving away soon...
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Basil in the corner, his SOMETHING looking out for danger.

I should explain, shouldn't I...?
SOMETHING is an entity that looks after those that are depressed, like Basil. It takes on many forms, and watches out for danger that it's assignment may face. (I know this isn't what SOMETHING does in Omori but it's my fanfiction I decide what it does)

I have my own SOMETHING. Well, I have two of them.
There's one that does the exact same that I just described. And the other SOMETHING I have is in a human form. You see, I have another world I enter when asleep. It's called DreamWorld. But I like to call it the WHITE SPACE. In that world, I see life from Omori's view. He seems to go on his own adventures with my freinds in REAL WORLD. Though, there's another dimension...the BLACK's scary down there, according to the SOMETHING that watches Omori. Whenever he goes down there, I lose my view on him.

...Now that I think about it, I should probably introduce you to my freinds, shouldn't I?

The first two you've heard of:
Hero and Kel.

Hero and Kel


Then there's Aubrey and Basil...

Aubrey and Basil


Then, there's my sister, Mari...



And my DreamWorld alter ego, Omori...

Omori (sorry this is the best video I could find)


And other freinds I (or Omori) made along the way, like Perfectheart and Sweetheart...

Perfectheart and Sweetheart



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