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Kel: guys

Hero: what

Kel: some dude came up to me and asked if he could date me

Hero: what the flip

Kel: language

Hero: ...ok

Kaede: what's their name

Kel: why do you need to know?

Kaede: curious^•^

Kel: ok...he's called Kokichi

Kaede: say yes

Kel: why

Kaede: just say yes

Ten minutes later

Kaede: what did he say

Kel: he said "oh my atua thank you I've already been rejected once"

Kaede: oh yeah

Kel: what

Kaede: I have a freind, I don't know if you know him, but he's called Shuichi if you wanted to know, and Kokichi asked him and he got rejected

Kel: oh

Kaede: then came to me and said that he (Shuichi by the way) had a crush on me

Kel: and what did you say

Kaede: I said "ohmyatuasame"

Kel: Basil add Shuichi to the group

Basil: why

Kel: 1. scroll 2. do it

Basil: k

Basil added one new member


huichi: Ayo who's in this group other than Basil

Kel: hi

Sunny: hi

Mari: hi

Hero: hi

Y/N: hi

Aubrey: hi

Omori: hi

Kaede: hi

Shuichi: ^_^ Kaede!!

Kaede: Aubrey now to you trust me that he's my boyfriend??

Shuichi: y-you told them??

Kaede: yep...that's why your here...

Shuichi: I sense bad news

Kaede: there is...Kokichi confessed to Kel...now he might be added here

Shuichi: o

Kaede: "o"

Shuichi: yes o

Kaede: k ❤️

Shuichi: anyway I gotta go do detective things now

Kaede: aww bye

Shuichi: だいすきだよかえで

Kaede: 🥰

Kel: what's だいすきだよかえで?

Kaede: だいすきだよかえで (romanized as daisuki da yo Kaede) means I love you Kaede

Kel: ah

Kel: why didn't you said daisuki da yo shuichi?

Kaede: didn't want to, but he knows I love him by now

Omori: hmmm who's the happy couple

Hero: there's two

Omori: go on

Hero: Kel and Kokichi, Kaede and Shuichi

Omori: oooo

Kaede: me and Shuichi have been together for a few years actually

Omori: and you JUST told us??

Kaede: I've been banned from all contact with you for three years, how could I of told you?

Omori: true


Ayo guys I want to give you a Basil picture because I can

Ayo guys I want to give you a Basil picture because I can

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