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sorry I haven't uploaded much...

This book won't be discontinued, don't worry! But I won't be able to upload as much, because I've started a new book The Moon and the Sea! Please go read it...

I decided to start the book as yesterday I had a dream about making a book about one of the cannon Cookie Run ships, Moonlight Cookie and Sea Fairy Cookie.

I didn't think I would do it at first, but on one of my story comments amazbill told me I'm a good author! So, that managed to motivate me. Thanks, amazbill ...!

And another thank you to all the people who are following me, it makes me feel better about myself.

Current followers, which I would love if could give me feedback on the book:


Please go follow these people, their very supportive! Especially amazbill, they give me inspiration to write just by saying I'm a good writer.

And sorry about that too.

I'd thought I'd uploaded the notice here as it's my most read book.

But go read The Moon and the Sea when it comes out. I haven't seen many Cookie Run books, I hope it gets just as popular as this one did.

Oh, and thanks for 3k views aswell!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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