Ayo A/N

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hey guys just saying, thank you RedScarfedBeast0 again for voting for every chapter, but I wont have a main chapter today as I'm busier as usual on a Wednesday. Next Wednesday there will possibly be one however if not I'll update you

Also, ships

Omori/Sunny x Y/N

Mari x Hero

Implied Basil x Kaede but I'm not sure yet, if not it'll be Kel x Kaede and Aubrey will be alone because she has a crush on Sweetheart and Basil will share a ship with Sunny/Omori, being that Basil is shipped with Sunny/Omori on group chat, but Y/N has the actual ship

(And yes I know I probably won't choose Basil x Kaede because SOMEONE is coming soon and taking Kaede

Hmmm who could it be...?)

Everything's Going To Be Fine... Omori/Sunny x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now