114 4 1

because I can

Two things, if you don't get the joke I mean killing, and seabunnie999 decided to join the voted squad!!


Omori: can I sing

Kaede: no

Basil: sure

Kaede: don't side with him

Omori: oyasumi

Kaede: oh such a good song

Omori: I know <( ̄︶ ̄)>

Omori: hey...filler chapter...

Shuichi: why?

Kaede: a shuichi!!

Omori: cause Author-chan's heavily burnt out rn

Shuichi: ...oh

Omori: we should give her space

Kaede: shuuuuichi

Shuichi: a Kaede!!

Omori: the happy couple is so alike...!

Kel: Basil add Kokichi please

Shuichi: don't

Basil: k

Basil added one new member

Kokichi: Ayo

Shuichi: no

Shuichi is now offline

Kaede: saiharachaaan...

Kokichi: I bet you he'll come back when he realises he can't spend time without you

Kaede: how much money

Kokichi: my entire grape panta stash.

Kaede: deal

Not even a minute later

Shuichi is now online


Shuichi: oh hi Kaede I just came to say something, is Kokichi online?

Kokichi: yes

Shuichi: hey kokichi

Kokichi: no want to leave Kaede behind?

Shuichi: 1. no I'm not gay 2. please うるさい and しね


Kel: what's うるさい and しね?

Kaede: urusai (the first thing you said) is shut up and shine (the second thing you said) is go die

Kel: no don't say those things to Kokichi!!

Shuichi: あなたは彼のボーイフレンドだからそう言っているだけです

Kaede: Translation: You're only saying that because you're his boyfriend

Shuichi: あなたは彼のボーイフレンドなので、彼に親切でなければなりません。あなたは彼のボーイフレンドなので、コキチと一緒にサイディングをしているだけです。

Kaede: "Because you're his boyfriend you have to be nice to him. You're only siding with him because you're his boyfriend."

Kel: that is true...

Shuichi: see what I mean

Kel: thanks for translation that Kaede, what would we do without you??

Kaede: nothing because I wouldn't exist

Shuichi: don't say that...:(


Private chat with Shuichi

Kaede: hey... shuichi you ok?

Shuichi: no..

Kaede: hey what's know I'm here for you!!

Shuichi: it's Kokichi...he was only added to the chat because of Kel...

Kaede: well if anything atleast be happy for Kel! he managed to get a boyfriend!

Shuichi: I want to, but me and Kokichi are enemies do it's hard to...

Shuichi: can you please tell Kel I'm sorry about what I said?

Kaede: of course I can( ◜‿◝ )♡ I'm always here for you shuichi!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ come on give me a hug!!

Shuichi: ok...

Private chat with Kel

Kaede: hey Kel, you here?

Kel: yeah

Kaede: shuichi told me to tell you that he's sorry

Kel: tell him it's fine...but why did he say those things?

Kaede: him and Kokichi are mortal enemies as he keeps trying to steal me from him and make him kiss him instead so he has alot on his mind about it

Kel: ah..

Kaede: when he heard than you and Kokichi were dating he had a mini panic attack because their already bad relationship was just going to get worse

Kel: ...tell him that I'm sorry too...

Private chat with Shuichi

Kaede: hey shuichi, you still here?

Shuichi: yeah..

Kaede: Kel accepts your apology and he's sorry to

Shuichi: why is Kel sorry?

Kaede: he said he blocked you because of it, but he's heard why and he's unblocking you..

Shuichi: he blocked me..?

Kaede: yeah but he's unblocking you and says that he wants to be freinds again

Shuichi: ありがとう...

Kaede: anytime ❤️


yes I know I said this was a filler chapter, but I took a break and I am no longer burnt out!! Thank you for you continuous support and patience while I try to upload ⭐ you're all stars and I don't want any of you to think otherwise ⭐

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