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Omori and 6 others are online

Omori: ayo the pizza here

Y/N: this joke again?

Omori: no it's actually here

*Sunny walks in holding a pizza*

Sunny: Ayo the pizza here

Aubrey: someone said the pizza was here

Sunny: yeah I just put it in the microwave


Kel: Did you forget...?


(Ok I might not be uploading this on Kel's birthday but it is in the story ok)

Aubrey: Oh yeah...

Sunny: So we got him a pizza!!

Y/N: But why did Omori know the pizza was here?

Omori: I know everything

Y/N: Ok I won't get on your bad side, Mr. I Know Everything.

Omori: k

Sunny: so anyway, anyone excited for the party tonight??

Basil: Is it in HEADSPACE?

Kel: Of course it is! We didn't want to leave you out, Basil!

Basil: Ah thank you!!

Sunny: Me and Y/N gonna head out we need to figure out how to get the pizza to HEADSPACE

Y/N: yeah what Sunny said


Omori: I might as well head out too

Omori and 3 others are offline

Kel: Bye

Basil: Bye

Hero: See you at the party everyone!!

Basil and 3 others are offline

Sunny POV

"Hey Y/N, you excited? Everyone's staying up early for the party, so we can head straight to HEADSPACE when we get the pizza to WHITE SPACE!!"

"I only just met Kel but wow am I excited!!"

"Y/N you met Kel a month ago"

"Oh yeah...hehe sorry..."

I smile at Y/N and put my phone down. I won't be able to participate in the party as all of us are too busy to have part of it in REAL WORLD, but I atleast tried to get something for Kel and I hope he likes it.

We figure out how to get the pizza to HEADSPACE, and I tell Y/N to scream AYO THE PIZZA HERE at Omori when they get to WHITE SPACE.

I'm too lazy to write Sunny and Y/N going to bed every night so we're in WHITE SPACE now ok
Omori POV

"AYO THE PIZZA HERE" a familiar voice screams at me, running in holding a pizza.

"Oh, so it is..." I reply, taking the pizza from Y/N.

"I w-was w-w-wondering when you might come, Y/N!"

scree omori stutter

"Well Sunny said we can go straight to HEADSPACE!!"

We open the door to the big yellow cat's room, me with sketchbook in hand and Y/N holding the pizza. We both fall asleep at the same time, waking up in HEADSPACE greeted by an oddly energetic Basil and a way too overexcited Kel.

"Kel!! Happy birthday!!" Y/N, Basil, Aubrey and Hero screech at the same time. A good person like Kel needs a good birthday present, so Y/N thrusts the pizza at him and says: "It's your present Kel! Share it with us if you'd like!!'

"Hey...thanks Y/N!! Omori, you not gonna say happy birthday?"

"Oh...I zoned out for a second there...happy birthday, Kel!"

I secretly have a surprise in store for Kel. It's like...a present for everyone, for being my friend. But I'm not telling you yet, until it's my turn to give Kel his present.

Basil gives Kel a flower crown made out of different coloured flowers, all arranged in such a neat pattern Kel would never want to take it off (that was if he ever put it on if the first place, Kel usually uses Basil's flower crowns for display. He doesn't mind.), Hero gave him a shirt with the words "BFFS FOREVER" on it, with a picture of all his freinds, Y/N, me, Hero, Basil, Mari, Aubrey and even Kaede...we haven't seen her in a while, but it's nice to know she's well. The picture of Kel in the middle is bigger than all the rest. Aubrey got Kel a bow, not to match with her or anything, but just because sometimes Kel likes that feminine look. She even said that if he didn't want to wear it in a feminine type of way, he can wear it like a bow tie (Aubrey can be so nice sometimes...).

"Omori? Did you get me anything...?"

"I got you something Kel. Don't worry...it's coming...!"

I gesture to something behind the tree, and a head pokes out. Slowly it emerges from behind the tree, and for a few seconds the mist of the picnic area covers the figure, however the mist moves away and reveals...

"Mari???" Kel screams, running up to her and hugs her so tightly I thought she would burst.

"Omori, let Mari have her phone and you can use your laptop!!" Aubrey suggest when Kel brings up the issue of how I will talk to them. She says I I can go to the REAL WORLD myself I must be able to use my laptop there. I give Mari her phone back and Basil adds her to HEADSPACE GANG.

Aren't you happy to see Mari again, my dear reader? You knew her, didn't you? You were also hurt by her death...

Mari pulls us all into a group hug. "IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAINNN" Hero starts wailing, Basil starts creating a flower crown, Kel still hugs her and Y/N gives her a piece of the pizza. It's only me and Aubrey that aren't that surprised by her recent appearance, but as soon as we get to know her again we'll feel the same too...


Why did I bring Mari back why


I'm sorry if I didn't actually upload this on Kel's birthday, but I'm willing to wait until July (or was it June I forgot) 20th for Omori's birthday to make it up to you all!!


happy group picture!!

-------------------------------------------------happy group picture!!-------------------------------------------------

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Y/N isn't in the picture because they didn't want their photo taken and Kaede isn't in there for obvious reasons

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