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"Go to sleep, child...you're safe with me..." -some random big yellow cat

I know I used Final Duet twice I hAd tO
Omori silently opens the door to the big yellow cat's room.

"This...is just a cat's room..."

"I know...there's two beds free for us. Go to sleep. I'll meet you when you awaken..."

Omori's words drift away, just as I do falling asleep...

I don't know how long I've been asleep for. But I hear a voice...

"Is this a new friend, Omori?"
someone says. Someone else says, "Ahhh how exciting!! You brought a new freind!!" just as I wake up.

"Oh!! Their awake!!'

"I should introduce them... Everyone, this is Y/N. And Y/N, this is Kel, Hero, Aubery and...

...Basil...? You're here...?"

"I promised I wouldn't leave you, Omori! Even if I am kind of dead, I'm still here for you Omori!"

"Right. Anyway, welcome to HEADSPACE, Y/N!"

"Kel...Hero...Aubery...Basil...it's nice to meet you...!"

What appears to be Kel and Hero rush forward to some flowers. "Basil!! Some new flowers!!"

Just as I expected, Basil makes his way to them and picks them up. "I'd love this for my flower crown!! Thank you, Kel! Thank you, Hero!!"

I just realised that Basil was wearing a flower crown. He looks cute...but Omori's cuter...

Omori smiles.

Omori smiles.

He can smile?? I've only ever seen him neutral...

"Omori!! Y/N!! You coming or not...?" That must be Aubery. I've heard Kel, Hero and Basil's voice before.

"Of course we are, Aubery. Be patient." Omori looks angry...


"Ignore that. That was Aubery's reaction to being told to shut up, hehe..."

I laugh quietly. I don't want to get on Omori's bad side. Thought, I don't think I will. I've seen a small blush on his face whenever he mentioned my name. It's so cute...

Our adventure slips by so quickly, I can't remember what happened. But eventually it's time for us to part ways, and me and Omori return to WHITE SPACE.

"That was fun...wasn't it, Omori? I think me and Kel are already freinds..."

"What makes you think that, Y/N? Kel dosent make freinds like that easily..."

"Well, we both like finding flowers for Basil! And not to mention, we both find it amusing when Aubery goes SCREEEEEEEEEE because one of us told her to shut up hehehehe"

"Maybe you are freinds then! I bet you can't wait until we go back to HEADSPACE tommorw!"

He grabs a knife.

"Omori! Don't hurt yourself..."

"Oh don't worry...I'm not hurting myself! It's how you wake up from WHITE SPACE. It dosent affect your physical form in the REAL WORLD, so you won't have to worry."

He takes the knife and stabs himself, awakening him into the real world. I do the same shortly after, and wake up with Sunny by my side staring into my eyes.

"Did you like it...did you see Omori...?"

"I saw Omori. And I bet Kel and Hero and Aubery! And...someone called Basil was there...apparently he's ment to be dead..."

"B-Basil's there?? In HEADSPACE? ...Omori really is a weird boy, isn't he?"



SCREEE first HEADSPACE chapter!! I feel like I added a character arc for Omori and Basil, and a bit for Kel too!! I'm still deciding on Aubery's personality because she changes aLoT over the game, and Hero and Y/N are still developing.

Everything's Going To Be Fine... Omori/Sunny x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now