one | the wedding

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Stephen jolted awake from his nightmare, upon hearing the voice of his 14-year-old daughter, Adelaide. Sunlight streamed through the thick velvet curtains she had opened, like a ray of dampened gold. He sat and enjoyed the silence, till his daughter lobbed a shirt at his head. 

"Dad, come on, get dressed and come down for breakfast. I'm starving." The teen girl whined, scooping her long, jet-black locks into a ponytail. Stephen chuckled and grinned at his daughter, and pulled on his shirt, saying, "You know, you're fourteen years old. You should be able to make your own breakfast, Addy."

Adelaide shook her head and turned around, her cloak fluttering around her body as she spoke in reply, "But it's pancake day, and I can't make pancakes how you do." 

Stephen slid off the bed, his bare feet sliding into the bright pink slippers she'd bought him, and chuckled, "Why don't you head downstairs, I'll be right there." 

Adelaide grinned and nodded before running off in the direction of the dining room. 

--Time Skip--

The smell of vanilla, chocolate and maple syrup hung around the dining room like a cloud, and Adelaide felt herself almost melt in happiness upon tasting the soft, slightly buttery pancakes her father had made. In front of her hovered a spellbook, with an intricate design of the pentagram in gold on the black leather cover. Her fingers twitched as she used her magic to turn the pages, and continued to eat in silence. 

In the Strange household, during breakfast, conversation was minimal, for it was a time to energize oneself for the events which would occur in the remaining day. 

"You ready for the wedding?" Adelaide smirked, closing the spellbook with a flick of her hand.

"I'm nervous, to be honest." Stephen admitted, placing his fork and knife down on his plate with a soft, almost inaudible clatter. 

"It's just a wedding, Dad. Besides, you should be nervous about my card tricks, instead." She smirked, picking a card out of thin air from right next to her father's ear. It was face down, with an elegant rune design at the back. She turned it over and smirked, "Oops, ten of spades." She snapped her fingers and flipped it over yet again. Instead of the rune design, it showed the ace of spades. "Ah, the ace of spades. What an unlucky day for you. Both death and imprisonment in one prediction!" She said in her 'witch's voice' as Wong called it. 

Stephen laughed softly and clenched a fist over her card, making it vanish before gently chiding, "No card tricks at any public event, Addy. We've talked about this." 

"I know, Dad." She sighed. "But it's just so fun messing with people!" 

Stephen gave her a pointed look and picked up his plate, not listening to her arguments as she chattered away, explaining why she simply had to trick people at public events. 

"Change into your outfit, and no card tricks. That's final." He said, this time shooting her a stern look. 

All she could do was smirk and say, "We'll see, Dad." Before vanishing in a puff of purple magic. 

--Time Skip--

Adelaide sat next to her father, shuffling about uncomfortably in her dress, while Stephen fixed her hair in its half up-half down hairstyle. 

"Doctor and Miss Strange." Came a wheezy voice from next to them. A man in his fifties sat down, as both Stephen and Adelaide acknowledged him in unison, "Doctor West."

"Haven't seen you in a while, Doctor." He said, shuffling in his light brown suit, trying to get comfortable on the hard wood bench. "I was a little preoccupied being dust in the air for five years." Stephen said jokingly, but the point drove itself home all the same.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐳¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now