twelve | souls of the damned

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"So, which ritual will we be using?" Adelaide asked, feeling strange as her witch's outfit disappeared, replaced by a long, dark purple dress and a jet-black cloak. 

"I was thinking the Ritual of Lilith." Wanda shrugged in reply, quickly sending her giant lumber demons to the ledge to guard her temple.

Adelaide shook her head, "No, that's too time-consuming. My father will be here soon to help the girl, and we can't go through the entire ritual without him ruining it." 

"Yeah, sure, don't mind me, just laying here while you guys discuss my death." America rolled her eyes. 

"Silence," Adelaide snapped, startling the Hispanic girl. She turned back to Wanda, "I'd say we could do the Nyx ritual. I know you have the power for it." 

"Hm..." Wanda hummed in thought, "Saves time, simple, powerful...Let's do it." 

Adelaide began chanting aa spell in Latin as she made a dial, which had an upside-down pentagram on it. The symbol of the Devil. It split into three parts, using its concentric circles as reference as Adelaide made it hover over the superhuman. 

"Addy, no, she's controlling you!" America warned, struggling against the thin rings of purple which settled around her wrists, binding her. "You can't do this! You have to fight it. Come on!" 

Adelaide turned a deaf ear to the girl's pleads and turned her hands sharply, crossing her hands at the wrists, her index and middle finger loosely stretched out in a 'two' position. The circles slammed down on America, glowing around her in the same circle form with runes everywhere. 

Wanda raised the Hispanic girl up in the air and slowly began to extract her magic, when a figure cloaked in souls appeared in the temple. 

"Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!" Wanda snapped. 

"This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me." The dead Stephen smirked, his teeth showing on the other side of his mouth. She shot the souls of the Damned at her and allowed them to encase her in a sphere of shrieking smoke. Wong closed his own shield sphere of magic on top of her, making her magic on America falter. "I don't even wanna know." He said, upon seeing Stephen's dreamwalking self. Adelaide's glowing red eyes flickered till all was left was her purple eye and beady black one. She staggered back, her back hitting the nearest pillar as she did. She slid down it till she was in a sitting position, knees pulled up to her chest. 

"She's breaking free!" Wong yelled in warning, upon seeing Wanda's hand shatter one dial of his sphere.

"Hold her!" Dead Stephen snapped, turning to America and working a quick spell to take Adelaide's magic off her. 

"Strange! Take America's power." Said Wong as Wanda struggled through the souls. "There's no other way." He panted.

"Yeah. This is the only way." Dead Stephen nodded. He turned to America, "It's me, in other me's body."

"You're gonna take my power, aren't you? Before Wanda can." She asked before smiling sadly, "It's okay. I understand now."

"No, America. I've come here to tell you to trust yourself, trust your power. That's how we stop her." He explained.

"I can't control it..." She began, but he cut her off, "Yes, you can. You have been all along. Every time you opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go."

"What about the first time?" She asked. "And, I don't know if I can do this without Addy. She's the one who's been helping, not me."

"Even that led you to this moment. Addy can't do anything at the moment, America. You're literally her only hope." He then gave her a smirk, "You are gonna kick that witch's ass." 

America mirrored his expression and stood on the stone table, her eye catching Adelaide's trembling figure on the side. She punched at Wanda, who instead grabbed her by the throat, having escaped Wong's sphere. 

"I can't beat you." America wheezed, "So I'll give you what you want." With that she opened her star-shaped portal, letting Wanda meet her other-dimensional boys, who screamed in terror upon seeing her, much to her dismay and horror.

After a few moments, Wanda and America both left the portal, allowing it to close. 

Within seconds, Adelaide was behind Wanda, still looking pale, but with a blazing rage in her eyes. She leaned forward and whispered, "Boo." in the older witch's ear before sharply flicking her wrist, sending Wanda flying to the other end of the room. 

"Go. Both of you!" She snapped at America and Wong, as Wanda regained her strength.

"But--" America began to protest, but Adelaide held the girl's face in her hands, touching her forehead to hers as she whispered, "Don't worry I'll find you."

America pulled the other girl into a hug, before she let go and opened a portal, allowing herself and Wong into it.

Adelaide wiped away a small tear and turned her hands in a clockwise motion, her left hand starting from the bottom, right hand starting from the top, making the world spin around for both her and Wanda. She crossed her hands at the wrists, and a shattering sound was heard as their surroundings fragmented into reflections. Adelaide's outfit had very conveniently switched back to her usual one. Cuffed jeans, purple tank top, and black leather jacket. She clasped her palms together and smiled at her. "You see, Wanda, the thing about mind control is that it can affect the controlled person severely. What you didn't know, was that mind control on a witch...doesn't work out well. Because now my conscience won't prick me if I decide to trap you in here forever." 

"You can't do that, baby witch." Wanda chuckled, "You're too righteous." 

Adelaide shed her glamour to appear next to Wanda as she laughed coldly, "A witch who knows the ritual of Nyx is never righteous, demon. You know what to do."

With those words, she allowed Wanda to escape the dimension, so she could put things right.

Adelaide opened up a portal, and leapt into it, vanishing from Mount Wundagore once and for all, as Wanda brought it down in a mass of stone, sand, and magic.




Dedicated to all you lovely humans who commented~ ilysmmmmm.

By the wayyyyyy, love the whole look you're sporting todayyyyy. The hair the skin, the outfit, everything on point, as usual!!! Looking fabulous, lovely~

60 comments for the next chapter! And yes, i DID deny you all the pleasure of America and Addy kissing. HA.

Have a fabulous day/night, lil petals!

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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