nine | the gap junction

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"Okay, can we go now?" Adelaide impatiently asked. "My magic won't hold her for too long."

"Follow me." Christine said, leading them down the east corridor, to a foreboding looking door.

"Where does that tunnel go?" America asked, unsure.

"Under the river." Christine replied. A strange noise could be heard, and they turned around to see a beaten up battered, and bruised Wanda limping toward them.

"Go." Adelaide ordered. When no one moved she snapped, "Go, go, go!" She made the same wiping motion with both her hands and encased Wanda in a shimmering purple orb. The older witch struggled against Adelaide's magic, which allowed the other three some time.

"Addy!" Stephen's voice echoed through the tunnel making her pull her hands to her sides, closing the orb temporarily, as she dashed after her father, her crush and  the scientist.

She skidded to a stop, slamming into America. The Hispanic gave an exclamation of surprise and caught hold of Adelaide, who stood up properly with an awkward clear of her throat.

The water from the roof seemed to drop down in slow motion, as they stared at the opening of the tunnel.

All of a sudden, Wanda appeared, scaring the life out of both Adelaide and America, making them clutch each other in fright.

"I warned you." Snarled Wanda.

"Other Wanda, if you're in there, hold your breath." Stephen sighed, moving his hands sharply to close the door and brought the roof down on Wanda, sending water in the small area he had blocked off.

"Did it kill her?" Asked America as they continued running.

"No, but it bought us some time." He replied. 

"The book's through here." Christine patted the dial-like handle of what looked like a safe's door. "But only Stephen's ever opened it."

"No problem," Stephen did a complicated motion with his hands, but the door stayed sealed shut. A sound came from behind them as Adelaide warned, "Dad...I think you just pissed Wanda off more..."

"Shit. A chant only specific to me, something only I would know." He said, tapping his index finger to his lips in thought. "Come on."

"Stephen..." Christine tried catching his attention, but he ignored her. "Stephen!" She snapped louder. She handed him his watch, which he matched up to the center of the circular handle. He stared at her slightly, making Adelaide snap, "Now isn't the time, lovebirds."

"Shit, you're right. Um, yeah. Thank you." Stephen awkwardly said.

"Sure." Christine replied, looking away.

"Open sesame." Stephen said as the door swung open, revealing an infinite mass of galaxy, which had chunks of what looked like debris floating around it like dust in sunlight.

"Come on, kid. You got this." Stephen extended a hand out to America, "I got this" The girl reassured herself. Adelaide rolled her eyes before snatching the Hispanic superhuman's hand from his and leaping into the next bit of debris which floated past, like a giant game of hopscotch.

Stephen took Christine's hand and jumped after them. "Are you all right?" He asked her, as they reached the most solid-looking and stable bit of debris, in the center of which glowed a book.

"Yeah." Christine nodded.

"This is the gap junction. The space between universes." Adelaide explained.

"All right, Book... Give me what I need." Stephen took the book of Vishanti off its stand, and the glow immediately faded away.

Wanda appeared behind Adelaide and pulled the young witch into a dangerous headlock, one which could snap her neck if Wanda jerked her arms the right way.

"Dad!" Adelaide yelped, her usual logic and smarts not working as fear took over her. Wanda held America up using her powers, the girl's arms and legs bound with magic. 

"This isn't what your children would want." Stephen said, treading on thin ice as he spoke.

"They'll never know." Wanda replied.

"Maybe not. But you will." Stephen replied, ready to shoot her with his magic.

Wanda tightened her hold on Adelaide, cutting off the girl's air supply and warning, "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you, Stephen Strange. If your magic hits poor little Addy, she could die." She added the last part in a mocking whisper.

"Daddy help me, please!" Adelaide pleaded, her words coming out in a slight wheeze as she steadily found it harder to breathe.

Stephen noticed the rune mark burned into the girl's collarbone, a demonic rune, and felt anger rise in his chest.  Without a second thought, he lashed his orange whip out at Wanda's legs, binding them and yanked it back, making her let go of Adelaide, who fell down, leaning on her palms as she tried catching her breath.

A sudden vaccum and rushing sound made her ears pop, and she looked up through blurry eyes to see that America had made a star-shaped portal which was beginning to suck her and Adelaide into the Multiverse. Wanda threw Stephen and Christine into the portal, allowing it to close before she turned and grabbed Adelaide by the neck, as if she were picking up a kitten and snarled, "Open a portal now, baby witch."

"No." The girl defied. The rune mark had faded, and Wanda looked at the girl in annoyance. She suddenly held out her arm, allowing full control over America's limbs, before she slammed the girl down on the ground, and lifted her back up.

"What the hell, you psychopath!" Adelaide exclaimed, rushing over to check America for any possibile wounds from the attack.

"Open a portal, or the last thing you'll see is your girlfriend's face get smashed in." Wanda threatened.

"Okay, fine!" Adelaide snapped and extended her own arm, middle and index finger joined, as she opened a portal.

"Good." Said Wanda, before she exited her Dreamwalk, sending both Adelaide and America tumbling into the portal.

Yes, yes. Cliffhanger, horrible, blah blah.


Also, thank you for 4K+ reads!!

Dedicated to everyone who commented in the last chapter, because yet again, my phone hates me and isn't letting me tag you guys--uGh--

80 comments for the next chapter, lil petals!!!! Don't forget to vote~

Also, you are looking DIVINE, today! Did you try a new shampoo? No? Yes? It doesn't matter, because your hair is looking FABULOUS. Love it, the bounce, the shine, the way it frames your face, EVERYTHING. *chefs kiss*

Have a fabulous day/night, lil petals~

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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