eleven | dark magic afoot

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The toys all banded together and advanced again, pushing and shoving at the variant's feet, but they weren't strong enough. Stephen pushed his notes back at the variant, its minor tune mingling with the horrifying Christmas song, giving the toys enough strength to get the variant to the ledge. The pulsing light in their chests began to fade, despite the music still being played. The variant was teetering on the edge, under which the dangerous gate spikes were, but not quite falling. Stephen then flicked his wrist at the harp in the corner, which gave a single note. The orange, leaflike note floated towards the ball of magical tunes and struck it, causing a last loud flourish of music which sent the variant toppling down the edge, impaling him on the spikes of the gate.

The toys immediately fell immobile, and Stephen looked at Adelaide, who's eyes had glossed over. Her beady black eye had already bled into it's whites, but the black was spreading to the whites of her other, purple-iris eye as well. 

"Addy?" Stephen approached her carefully. She looked at him, her eyes returning to their normal colour. However, they stayed glassy as she recited a poem in a soft voice, one which sent chills through Stephene as well as Christine, who had just entered the room. "Naughty John, Naughty John, does his work with his apron on. Cuts your throat and takes your bones, sells 'em off for a couple of stones." She released a cackling laugh, before she lunging at Christine, her eyes blazing a familiar red as she raised her stone athame.

"Shit! Wanda's got control of her!" Stephen exclaimed. He pulled his daughter off of the screaming and flailing woman, pinned her arms down and began to use his magic to get her dagger out of her hand, only to be viciously kneed in the stomach. She slashed the athame across his hand, making him wince. Christine pulled her into a headlock, allowing Stephen to press his index an middle fingers to either side of the girl's temple.

Her eyes went wide and she let out a scream of pain, bending forward till finally her screams stopped. She blinked and the crazed look in her eyes had vanished, replaced by glimmering tears.

"Get her out of my head, Daddy, please." She sobbed, leaning her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head, stroking her hair comfortingly. "We'll get her out it your head, sweet girl. Don't worry."

"It hurts so bad..." She said, "Make it stop, I didn't do anything bad I swear!"

"I know you didn't, sweetheart. It's just Wanda." He continued stroking her hair gently, whispering reassuringly to her. Her sobs soon ceased to silent hiccups, and Stephen cupped her face gently, wiping her eyes and cheeks free of their tears.

"You feeling better now?" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah." She laughed and nodded.  She turned and looked at the Darkhold and sniggered, "The book of the damned is valuable and powerful, no doubt. But holy mother of God, the cover is ugly." Stephen and Christine both heaved a sigh of relief and he chuckled, "Yeah, it is." 

"But, what are you doing with the Darkhold? Are you going to dreamwalk?" Christine asked.

"Slightly more than just dreamwalking." Stephen flicked his wrist, making the candles light up and move towards him in a circle.

"All you Stranges, you're the same."She chuckled drily. 

"I know." Stephen smiled, "You're right. We are all the same. But right now, that kid needs me, and I can't do any of this without your help." He turned to look at Adelaide, who was muttering something in  a different language, then looked back at Christine, "While I'm under, I need you to protect my body, in case they attack me for trespassing."

"Who's "they"?"

"The Souls of the Damned."

"Okay. But doesn't a version of you need to live in that universe? So that you can dreamwalk into them?" Adelaide asked, standing up, wobbling on her feet slightly. 

"Who said they have to be living?" He smirked.

"Dad, no. You're a holy water wizard. It's not gonna work if you do the darkest of magic in the presence of a person who practices dark magic from time to time. I should do it." Adelaide said. "Besides, they won't try to kill you, they'll try to kill me."

"Addy, absolutely not. Sit down." Stephen flicked his fingers downwards and she was sitting in a chair.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, dreamwalking into his dead other Stephen body.

The souls of the damned suddenly expelled themselves from his body, and came at Adelaide in a hissing mass of dark magic.

She suddenly felt the same stabbing pain in her skull, and slumped forward, allowing the spirits into her body. Only, they didn't feel like the souls of the damned, which felt like needles down one's throat. These souls felt oddly warm as they entered her body, dragging her arms in front of her to open a portal.

She gasped for air as her throat closed up, the demonic henchman doing its dark work. She tried to scream for help, but she was already being dragged into the void of rushing red. Wanda's magic.

She was thrown in, and before Christine could even comprehend what was going on, Adelaide had vanished.

The young witch was thrown out of the void into a temple, where she sat on her knees, panting and coughing as she tried to expel the demons from her body. Her chest rose and fell as she continued gasping for breath, and she heard a voice say, "What're you doing to her? Stop it!"

Her ears popped and she took a deep intake of breath as the demon escaped her body.

Wanda stood in front of her and tutted, "Sucks to be you, isn't it, baby witch?"

"Go to hell, demon." Adelaide spat, her words coming out in a raspy wheeze.

"And leave you here all alone?" Wanda chuckled menacingly, "I don't think so, baby witch." She took Adelaide's chin in one hand and tilted the girl's head up to face her. "I'm gonna need your help in this ritual. You have experience in dark magic, don't you?"

Adelaide's eyes glowed red as Wanda's magic took over her yet again. "I do, why?"

Wanda laughed coldly and looked Adelaide back right in the eyes.

"Because you...are going to help me, take America Chavez's powers."



Dedicated to everyone who took the time and effort to comment, ily guys so so much~

80 comments for the next chapter, lil petals!!

Question: Should I write a book with Addy in the first Doctor Strange movie? Comment on this paragraph to lmk!

By the way, your outfit is looking FABULOUS. The hair, the colours, the style everything is ON POINT. MODEL MATERIAL, I TELL YOU. MODEL FUCKING MATERIAL.

Have a fabulous day/night!

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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