four | runes and reasoning

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"The creature that killed him, did...Did it have the same markings as the octopus?" Stephen asked, cautiously as they arrived at Kamar-Taj.

"Runes." Adelaide said, crossing her arms and leaning against a wall, "This isn't sorcery," She summoned her spellbook, "It's witchcraft."

"I mean, you're a witch, right, Adelaide?" America asked, "Can you make sense of the runes which were on the octopus?"

"Probably. It'll take time though." Adelaide admitted, "And please, call me Addy."

"Lay, can you figure out who's runes those were?" Wong asked.

"I have a hunch. Those were runes of demonic origin. Less graceful than normal runes used by Nephilim, warlocks, and educated witches," Adelaide explained, "Besides, those runes only appear on monsters which have been summoned by either a witch of demonic origin, or a witch who has been affected by demonic activity."

"Do we know anyone who's faced such a thing?" Wong looked at Stephen.

"I think I might." He nodded, before summoning a portal and vanishing.

"Jeez, you'd think he would've let the person who helped him figure shit out come with him." Adelaide rolled her eyes, sitting on the ground, cross-legged.

America sat in front of the girl, and asked, "You know, I can't seem to figure you out."

"Is that a bad thing?" Adelaide asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No it's just..." America sighed, "I really want to get to know you, is all."

"You could've just asked, sweetheart." The witch laughed, sending a chill down the Hispanic girl's spine.

"So, you look nothing like your dad. Are you..." America wanted to say 'adopted', but instead let the point hang in the air.

"Yeah. I am." Adelaide nodded, "I'm descended from a long line of witch-haters, and when my real parents noticed my eyes and face when I was born, they dumped me in someone's lap. Literally. Just put me in my Dad's lap and fled."

"Oh." America said, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. They were assholes anyway. Besides, my dad's supportive, he gets me, too. We both help each other. Me with his magic, him with mine."

"Cool, cool." The superhuman said, "So, what magic do you do?"

Adelaide's purple eye sparkled with mischief, as she flicked her wrist to produce her runed cards. America looked at her curiously, but the witch continued, "Pick any two cards, and let them decide your fate. It is sealed, be it good or bad."

America chose two cards at random, looked at them and handed them back to Adelaide, who looked at the first one and said, "Ace of Hearts, love and happiness. Interesting." She flipped the second card over and chuckled, "The Two of Hearts. Non-platonic partnership. Interesting fate you have, there."

America rolled her eyes and said, "Show me actual magic which you do, come on."

"Sure." Adelaide shrugged and smiled. She shuffled her pack of cards and made a fan out of them, and said, "Pick a card. Any card." 

America laughed and picked a card, looked at it, and put it back into the fan randomly. Adelaide shuffled the cards well, tapped on the topmost card three times, snapped her fingers, and turned over the pile in fan form, to show that the entire once-jumbled, 52-card deck was instead a 52-card deck of the six of clubs. 

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