eight | witches can be bitches

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"Oh shit." Adelaide swore. She flicked her wrist and her cards disappeared. The sounds of battle sounded, and robots kept going into the fog which has settled near then entrance, but never came back out.

Adelaide turned to Christine and snapped, "Let us out of here, woman! Or do you want to see an even more pissed-off version of me?"

Christine dashed to the small computer in front of the glass prison, and began typing something, only to get locked out.

"Shit," She mumbled and looked at them, "I'm locked out."

"Oh for god's sake--" Adelaide said, exasperated, and looked at America, who gave her a panicked look. Christine grabbed a hammer from nearby and began to try and break the polycarbonate glass.

As Wanda came out of the fog, Adelaide saw America get desperate. Not a very good sign. The girl balled her right hand into a fist, and punched the glass, making a huge crack appear on it. "Woah," She gasped and turned to Adelaide, "Did you see that?!"

"Good work, sweetheart." Adelaide chuckled. The Hispanic punched the glass again, making it shatter.

Adelaide leapt out, America following close behind, and Christine used a card to unlock their cuffs. "You're almost in my good books now, Other Christine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a witch to deal with." The witch turned to America and said, "Follow Christine out of here. I'm pretty sure you'll find my Dad soon. I'll find you guys, okay?"

"No, I'm not leaving you with her!" America snapped.

"It's the only way you guys will get enough time to escape!" Adelaide replied. She took America's face in her hands and pressed a quick kiss to the girl's forehead, before letting go and winking, "See you on the other side, ladies."

America and Christine ran off, in search of Stephen, while Adelaide calmly turned around to meet the glowing red eyes of Wanda.

"Hi, there, Wanda." The girl smiled calmly. "Love the blood, honestly. Really gives a nice touch to your mom outfit, you know?"

"I said it once, and I'll say it again, you annoy me." Wanda snapped, her magic glowing between her fingers.

Adelaide shrugged, "It doesn't make much of a difference to me. I'll still annoy you all the same, unless you leave all of us alone and get back to your mountain."

The older witch looked Adelaide dead in the eyes, only to meet emptiness in them, and didn't hesitate to shoot a ball of magic at her. It backfired as the spell went right through Adelaide, and hit the computer behind them.

"First rule of attacking a cosmic gray witch, Wanda," The girl said, having applied a glamour. She appeared behind Wanda, her lips close to the woman's ear as she whispered, "You need to have eyes at the back of your head."

With that, she moved her fingers the same way in which Wanda always did, allowing herself into the older witch's mind.

Inside Wanda's head was a simple house, from the show which had temporarily aired titled 'WandaVision'. On the far end sat a television, inside of which memories played on loop, one after the other. Wanda meeting Vision, her and Vision moving in for the first time, her blowing a hole through his head, Westview, Billy, Tommy, Wanda's parents, Pietro, and finally, Wanda closing Westview, leaving her sons and husband behind. Wanda's non-suit version sat on the couch, watching the memories intently.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐳¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now