five | time for travel

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The building quaked yet again, and Adelaide felt a sharp stab of pain go through her head. She fell to the ground, her hands gripping her jet-black hair tightly in fists as she tried not to scream. Her purple eye glowed dangerously as she saw Wanda enter the east hall of the temple. Her end of the temple. A hand on her shoulder made her look up to see America looking at her in concern, her mouth forming the words, 'are you okay'. 

"I'm fine." Adelaide nodded and stood up. "Don't know what dramatic thing that was, but whatever now. Stay here, don't move, don't go anywhere and most of all, do not look at the reflections." 

America nodded, and the witch took off in the direction of where Wanda was. She reached her sacred space, the east hall. No one was allowed to step into those chambers, no matter what their status. 

"You know, it's rude to enter someone's area without asking." The young witch crossed her arms, surprising Wanda, who turned around sharply. "It's called trespassing, in case you didn't know."

"Step aside, baby witch." Snarled Wanda, "Or things will end badly for you." 

"First of all, I'm not a baby witch. I am a very powerful solitary cosmic gray witch. Or as you may otherwise know me, the Trickster." Adelaide smirked and she'd her glamour, appearing in front of Wanda. "You want the girl, you're gonna have to go through me." 

"Fine." Wanda replied, overconfident.

The younger witch chuckled coldly, "Oh, you are so stupid." She held out her hands, with her index and middle finger pressed together. She turned her hands as though she were rearranging the hands of a clock, her right hand circling clockwise, and her left, anticlockwise. The tiles at Wanda's feet began turning in circles, as the pillars twisted into dizzying spirals. Adelaide's fluid movement suddenly stopped as she clasped her right hand in a fist, bringing it down to her side with force, expelling the other witch in a place like the mirror dimension.

"Have fun escaping, demon." Adelaide spat before letting out a spine-chilling laugh, one which echoed around the mirror dimension Wanda was trapped in.

"Nice work, Addy." Stephen grinned, teleporting to the scene. "Thanks dad." She smiled and dashed off in the other direction, back to where America was.

"We gotta get you out of here. Now." She warned, taking the superhuman's hand in her own as she began opening a portal.

"Why? What happened?" America asked frantically.

"Kamar-Taj has fallen." Wong announced as he entered the room.

Just then, the sound of shattering glass was heard, and the doors began to close, every possible exit sealed.

"Reflections." Adelaide whispered, letting go of America's hand.

"She's using the reflections." Stephen ordered, grabbing a bit of fallen cloth and covering the puddles which littered the floor. "Cover them!"

America covered three reflections, and the young witch used runes to dry up any possible reflective water body.

America suddenly let out a scream, which made Adelaide give a small start of surprise, sending a bolt of magic at the gong.

"America, cover the gong!" Before the shocked girl could even move, Wanda's hand came out from the center of the golden gong, a cracking sound erupting from her joints as she pushed her way out.

"Oh come on, man, that is disgusting!" Adelaide whined, when Wanda was righting herself.

"You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children." The older witch said, addressing the party which stood before them.

"No, you took those lives." Stephen scowled, standing in front of Adelaide protectively. "You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse."

"I'm not a monster, Stephen. I'm a mother." Wanda said, her voice soft.

"Wanda, you have no children. They don't exist." Adelaide snapped. She flicked her wrist to produce a set of tarot cards, the backs a jet black colour with silver letters written in a language too old for them to understand.

"Pick a card." The young witch said, stepping forward.

"Adelaide, now is not the time for your silly g--" Stephen began to say, but Wong shushed him, "She's on to something, Strange."

"Pick...a card...Wanda." The witch said through gritted teeth, the fan of tarot cards trembling in her rage.

Wanda picked up a card, and showed it to Adelaide, who took it from her and held it for everyone to see.

"The Devil." She began, "Represents revenge, violence, and most of all, a yearning for what one cannot have." She turned back to Wanda, "See? The tarot cards never lie. Your children were born from magic. In a world which exists no more. Westview ceased to exist when you closed it, and now your children have ceased to exist as well."

"But they do," Said the older witch," In every other universe. I know they exist. Because I dream of them...Every...night. Of my boys...Of our life together. Every night, the same dream. And every morning...the same...nightmare."

"What if you reach them? What happens to the other you?" Stephen asked, having had enough as Adelaide closed a fist over her cards, making them vanish. "What happens to their mother?"

Wanda said nothing, she simply used her magic to grab America, pinning the girl's hands behind her back, and binding her legs together.

Adelaide stood calmly and pointed two fingers at Wanda. The older witch looked at her, only to meet her eyes which were blazing with cold fury.

"Hands off." Adelaide snarled and flicked her fingers to the right, sending Wanda crashing into the gong. Enraged, she used her abilities to slam Adelaide against the wall, as she growled, "You annoy me."

"That's the point, honey. Annoying you is just a distraction." Adelaide chuckled, despite her head pounding from where she'd hit it against the wall. A loud chime and rushing noise was heard, as America opened up a star-shaped portal.

"See you around, witch." Was the last thing Adelaide said, before teleporting out of Wanda's hold and leaping into the Multiversal portal.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, lil petals!

So, dedicated to: h3hw4ssupnataliaromanovaswifeidkwhatimdoininlifescftavenqersAyushmitaduttaGayEggoMarvel4LyfLookatYou66ScoopsxTroops, juliamybelovedddrwdrcn_bobrossisqueen, petqrsparker@skylerwoods_100gracie_lovegood_twqlightsluvDragonshadow567. chaisndn,  wvndavxsion and Demi_god_Dork! Thank you all for commenting!!! Ilysmmmm

40 comments for the next chapter, lil petals!!

By the way, did you use a new moisturizer or something? Even if you didn't, your skin is looking absolutely FABULOUS! Love it!!! Glowing, like you!!

Have a fabulous day/night!

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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