thirteen | lost and found

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'Oh fuck.' Was the only thought which went through Adelaide's head as she dropped down in a place which was definitely not Kamar-Taj, which was where she'd suspected her father would be. "Wanda's magic must've affected me plenty." She sighed softly to herself, before looking at her surroundings. She was in the middle of a farm, where on a hill was a neat-looking house, and from the inside of which came the sound of children laughing.  

Exhausted but curious, Adelaide trudged up the grassy hill, the orange heat of the afternoon sun beating down on her head. She finally reached the crest, and stumbled through the wooden gate of the house. She knocked on the door before stepping back to lean against the porch railing as the world began to spin around her. 

A man, who looked slightly familiar, opened the door and asked, "May I help you?" 

"Yeah, can you just help me get home, please?" Addy asked, her words coming out in a sharp pant. 

"What's your name, kid? Your full name?" He asked. 

"Adelaide Donna Strange." She replied, her grip on the railing becoming tighter as her vision swam. 

"Stephen's kid?" The man asked, incredulously.

"Do you know anyone with the last name 'Strange'?!" She snapped, putting a hand to the side of her throbbing head. 

"Clint, what's going--" A woman's voice was heard, but it was cut off as she saw Adelaide's exhausted figure leaning against the porch railing. The woman smacked him upside the head and snapped, "The girl's clearly about to faint and you're interrogating her? Jesus Christ, Clint. How are you so oblivious?" She walked over to Adelaide, who was beginning to sway on her feet as her grip on the railings loosened. 

"Hey, honey. My name's Laura." The woman whispered, taking her hand gently and leading her inside. "Come on, let's get you into bed, hm?" Adelaide nodded and allowed herself to be led to the guest room of the Barton house. 

She was laid down on a soft bed, and a comforter was placed on top of her gently as she allowed her eyes to close. As she did, she began to see a vision; a peek into what was happening at a different place at the same time. 

"America, where's Addy?" Stephen asked, looking at the Hispanic girl. America looked at Wong, who gave her a small nod. She came forward nervously and said, "She was fighting Wanda and told me that she'd find us." 

"You left her there?" Stephen asked softly. 

"I didn't! She told me to go, and the building was beginning to crumble!" America defended, taking a step back. 

"Strange, it's true. Lay didn't give us any chance to say anything." Wong defended America, who was beginning to become hysterical. "Don't be upset with either of the girls." 

"I'm not." The sorcerer replied, "Wanda destroyed every copy of the Darkhold across all Multiverses. She's destroyed the temple, too. But I know my Addy's alive." 

"How?" Christine asked. "If she destroyed the temple, and Addy was with her--" 

"I call it a father's intuition." He answered, "And my father's intuition is never wrong." 

"I'll take your word for it then, Stephen." The Hispanic girl shrugged, looking away. 

Wong made a portal, which revealed Kamar-Taj, and stepped into it. He looked at his downcast friend, and gave him a small smile, "Lay will find us, Strange. Your father's intuition is correct."

"I hope so, Wong." Stephen sighed, before looking back at Christine, who grinned, "See you around, Stephen. In whatever Multiverse." 

"Bye, Christine." He nodded and stepping into the portal as well, followed by America. He muttered to himself, "Please find us soon, Addy. I don't know what I'll do if you're gone." 

Adelaide woke up, a gasp leaving her lips as the vision ended. She was about to panic when she couldn't recognise her surroundings, but felt at ease when she remembered that Laura had allowed her to sleep in the guest room. 

"I see you're awake." Said a voice from the doorway. "Gave us quite a scare, kid." Clint walked in with a glass of water. He handed it to her and sat on the edge of the bed, "How'd you end up here, anyway?" 

She sipped on the water, which tasted metallic in her mouth and replied, "Um, Wanda put a spell on me, I nearly killed the girl who I have a massive crush on, I portalled when I was at my weakest, and ended up here with no way to contact my dad, my friend or, well, my crush." She looked at him and asked, "Wait, you're not homophobic, are you?" 

Clint chuckled, "First of all, no, I'm not homophobic, kid. One of my friends, don't know if you know her, Ophelia, is very, very gay. And second, what did Wanda do?" 

"I prefer the term 'sapphic', if you will." She placed the glass on the bedside table, "And Wanda tried to go to a Multiverse where she still had her kids. It's kind of a long story." 

"Honestly, not the weirdest thing I've heard." Clint shrugged. He patted her shoulder, "Come on, let's eat. It's almost dinnertime." 

Adelaide followed him out of the room and noticed the family photos which lined every wall of the house. She observed that Clint had three kids, two boys and a girl. Laura had set out something simple, spaghetti in meatsauce, and everyone had already started to dig in. 

"Hey, guys. Look who's awake." Clint patted Adelaide on the back.

"New friend!" Squealed the youngest, running over to her and hugging her legs. "I'm Nate." He grinned, looking up at her. She patted his hair and smiled, "Hi, Nate." 

"Cooper, stop staring." The girl smacked the older boy on his head. "I'm Lila." She looked at Adelaide, who nodded politely, "I'm Addy." 

"I hope you're not a vegetarian, Addy." Laura chuckled, pointing at the plate she'd set for her, "Sorry." 

"No worries," Adelaide smiled, "I'm an omnivore, like my dad says. He's vegetarian, not me." 

"Good, good. Dig in, then." Laughed the woman, sitting down. A tall girl with jet-black hair like Addy's, entered the room, looking like she'd just got out of bed. "Kate, I called you three times for dinner." Clint scowled. 

"Sorry about that, Clint. I kind of overslept." The other woman, Kate, replied. She froze in her tracks when her gaze landed on Adelaide. "Um--Clint? Who's--who's this?" She asked, her voice going an octave higher. 

"This is Adelaide Strange, Stephen's kid." He replied, his words dragging out as his confusion built up. 

"Why're you looking at me as if I grew a third eye?" Adelaide asked, feeling uncomfortable. 

"Because you're supposed to be dead." The archer replied, her voice still an octave higher.

Adelaide placed her fork down on her plate, calmly, but her reaction was anything but calm as she exclaimed, "I'm sorry, WHAT?!" 

HOLY SHIT. WHAT KIND OF A TWISTED CLIFFHANGER IS THAT, DAISY? I bet that's the question in your head, right? Yeah, well BOOM, BOOM AND BOOM IT'S A FABULOUS ONE. 

50 comments, for the next chapter, loves! I'm so excited for this plot twist holy shit!!!!! *screech*

Anygays. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! 

Question: Why do you think Kate said what she said? Comment on this paragraph to lmk!

Dedicated to everyone who commented on the last chapter!!!!! ILYSM GUYSSSS

[Btw, you're still looking FABULOUS~ ;)]

Have a lovely day/night!

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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