fourteen | powerless

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"You--you're supposed to be dead!" Kate exclaimed backing up against the counter. 

"You said that before, but why?!" Adelaide exclaimed. "I know I'm not in the wrong universe because my energy matches that of this universe, and I'm not stupid, but it looks like you are! Stupid, that is, because I am clearly very much alive!" 

"Wait--no, my mom said--" The other woman was stumbling over her words, making Adelaide snap at her, "Spit it out, before I cast a very efficient truth spell on you, Kate!" 

"You're my--you're my sister." She choked out. 

"I'm sorry, what is going on here, I'm so confused." Said Clint, acting as if the situation was a soap opera. 

"I remember you were just a few hours old..." The girl admitted, "And my mom came out of the delivery room crying, 'She's gone' over and over again. I thought you were a stillborn, but I found a photo of you, the first time you opened your eyes. The same thing. Beady black, electric purple. I asked Mom about it and she said you died a few hours later but clearly you didn't!" 

"Yeah, I didn't," Adelaide snapped, "And you're not my sister." 

"You have no idea, holy shit." The other woman gasped. "What's your dad's full name?" 

"Stephen Vincent Strange." Adelaide frowned, thoroughly confused. "Why?" 

"And your full name?" Kate asked.

"Adelaide Donna Strange," The girl was getting annoyed, "Again, why?" 

"I told you! You're my sister! By blood, you're a Bishop." Kate explained.

"So I'm...Adelaide Donna Bishop?" 

"No. Mom called you Susan Grace Bishop, but I knew you didn't have a name." 

Adelaide sat back down and admitted, "You're not my sister. I feel no sisterly connection towards you, despite having plenty of physical similarities." 

"I know," Kate replied, "I don't feel a connection either." 

"How are you guys done with the crazy drama y'all started two minutes ago?!" Cooper exclaimed. 

"It's easier to forget if you've never known each other in the first place." Adelaide shrugged. "Now let me just do a quick memory-wipe spell, rewind this moment, and we can forget this ever happened." 

She flicked her wrist and the scene froze, allowing only her to move. She walked up to Kate and stood next to her, whispering to herself, "I'm not a Bishop, I am 100% Strange. I have an Uncle Wong, I live in an apartment in New York, I have a whole part of Kamar-Taj to myself and I am not related to the Bishop family at all." She finished reassuring herself and turned to Kate.

She placed her index and middle finger to the woman's temple and extracted the memory, which was a glowing mass of pale white, inside which memory fragments played over and over. She mirrored the action on Clint, Laura, Cooper, Lila and Nate, before opening a portal behind which was a void of black. She tossed the glowing memories into the void and closed up the portal before turning her palms clockwise, the same way she send Wanda to the mirror dimension, only this time her left hand started on the top, right hand started from the bottom. 

The scene rewinded like a movie, and she found herself in the same position as when she entered. 

I hope you're not a vegetarian, Addy." Laura chuckled, pointing at the plate she'd set for her, "Sorry."

"No worries," Adelaide smiled, "I'm an omnivore, like my dad says. He's vegetarian, not me."

"Good, good. Dig in, then." Laughed the woman, sitting down. A tall girl with jet-black hair like Addy's, entered the room, looking like she'd just got out of bed. "Kate, I called you three times for dinner." Clint scowled.

"Sorry about that, Clint. I kind of overslept." The other woman, Kate, replied. She froze in her tracks when her gaze landed on Adelaide. "Hey, I'm Kate. Kate Bishop." She looked at Adelaide.

"Adelaide Strange." The witch nodded at her, knowing full well of the events which had happened before, and kept herself in check. 

"Hey, you two look kind of similar." Cooper noticed.

"Probably just a trick of the light." Adelaide shrugged, continuing her meal. 

"Probably." Kate agreed. 

'Thank god for magic,' Adelaide thought as she talked to Kate, 'Otherwise this conversation would've been awkward as fuck.'

--Time Skip--

The bright rays of the morning sun shone through the guest room window, falling on Adelaide's face. As if it were a natural alarm clock, she jolted awake. The blanket pooled at her hips, and her purple tank top, jeans and jacket were neatly folded on a chair next to the bed. She looked at her watch to see it was 7 a.m, way too early to be awake. With a groan, she trudged out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. 

She wrote down a note after going about her daily morning routine, sneaking into Clint and Laura's room as she left it there, before leaving the house full of sleeping Bartons and Bishop.

Out into the garden she went, her converse high tops pressing the crinkly grass beneath them as she walked down the hill to where she had appeared the day before. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and envisioned where her father could be. The clear image of Kamar-Taj's breakfast hall entered her mind, and she shifted planes to see the west corridor. She opened her eyes, her purple eye glowing vibrantly as she opened a portal, purple sparks skittering everywhere. 

However, her efforts were in vain as the portal began to lose it's round shape. It collapsed in a burst of purple sparks, which made her want to scream in utter frustration.

She assessed the energy of the place yet again, kneeling down and pressing her palms flat on the ground before her. She couldn't keep a connection for long, which made her almost choke on air. "I was wrong," She gasped, "I'm not a part of this universe."

Only after she spoke the words aloud, did the grave thought finally sink in. She ran inside as though she had wings on her shoes, and shook Clint and Laura awake in a frenzy of panic.

Both adults jolted awake and Clint groaned, "It's a Saturday and it is seven thirty in the morning. You better have a good reason f--"

"I'm lost in the multiverse." Adelaide interrupted him. Both his and Laura's eyes went wide, and both their reactions were in unison.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!"



And thank you for 51K reads!!!!

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Have a fabulous day/night!

With tons of love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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