fifteen | problems and solutions

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Clint sat up in bed, and his eyes were wide as saucers. "You're not a part of this universe?" He asked.

"I just said that!" Adelaide snapped. "And since my dumbass erased your memories about something, I cannot even with myself. I just messed up the timeline of a whole entire UNIVERSE."

"Calm down, we can fix this. Can't you find America in this universe?" Asked Laura.

"Nope. She doesn't dream," Adelaide admitted. "I'm going to have to memory link with my dad. Maybe him and America can figure something out?"

Adelaide felt her chest tightening by the passing second, and sat down, head in her hands as she tried to desperately think of a solution. "It's all a bad dream," She concluded. "I'm dreaming!"

Clint reached out and flicked her on the forehead, earning a loud 'fuck' of pain from her end. "What the hell?" She asked.

"That sounded pretty genuine to me." Clint shrugged, referring to the loud 'fuck' she'd said.

"I need to find a magic-user!" Adelaide said, "I need my dad. I need to find him!"

Clint looked at Laura who nodded. "Hey kiddo, in this universe? Stephen's absolutely ordinary. We all are. Magic users don't really exist except for a few who're in surveillance compounds." He said, feeling slightly piteous of the girl's situation.

"Surveillance compounds?" Asked Adelaide. "The hell is that?"

"It's like a normal township, but with heavily armed guards around, along with a shit ton of CCTV." Laura explained.

Adelaide stood up and said, "I need to get some air before I pass out."

She exited the room to knock into Kate, who caught her by the shoulders, "Woah, there."

"You have a girlfriend, right?" Adelaide asked. "Ophelia?"

Kate stiffened over, "I have, yes."

"Is she a magic-user?" She said, hopeful.

Kate laughed, "No, she's not. She's perfectly ordinary."

"Goddamn it!" Adelaide swore, sitting down. "What the hell am I supposed to do, then?!"

"Calm down, you just need time." Said Kate.

"For what, Kate? I cannot be stuck here for too long! My spiritual connection might merge into this place and I will completely dissolve into this multiverse!" Snapped the young girl. "Sorry, I'm just really scared right now."

"All good, Addy." Smiled Kate. "Just give yourself about 24 hours."

"Fine." Sighed the witch

"How about to take your mind off things, show me a magic trick." Kate said, leading the girl to the living room.

Adelaide smiled and sat on the couch, producing a card fan. "America did the same thing when we were on 838." The witch admitted, smiling fondly at the though of the girl.

Kate smiled at how happy Adelaide got when she talked about America. "Pick a card." Said the witch.

Kate picked one up, looked at it, them placed it back the deck.

Adelaide shuffled the cards, snapped her fingers and made another fan to show that there were 52 identical cards, which reflected the six of diamonds, Kate's selection.

The rest of the day commenced like a normal one, with Adelaide babysitting Nate, helping around the house and the rest of the farm.

She sat at the dining room at dinnertime, and suddenly felt a loud ringing in her ears. She pressed a palm to her right ear, where the sound was getting steadily louder. She suddenly felt like she was uncomfortable in her body, like she'd taken someone else's skin and transferred herself into it.

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