six | sanctum number two

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Adelaide caught America's hand just before the portal closed and pulled her through. Her ears popped as the pressure of their fall impacted her. The three of them, Stephen, America and Adelaide all tumbled through different multiverses at a time. One of them was even paint.

Finally, they stopped in a New York which looked completely different than the one they left. Plants lined the buildings like sheet webs across a window pane, and the air was clear of pollution, making Adelaide sigh in happiness.

She looked at America, "You okay?" She asked, concerned.

"You saved me." The girl panted softly, clearly still shocked by Wanda's magic.

"I hope so." Adelaide shrugged, "Besides, Wanda's an idiot. Didn't think before messing with a superhuman and her witchy sidekick."


"I gave myself that title since a sidekick has to constantly save the heroine's ass."

America rolled her eyes and pulled Adelaide into a hug, shocking the witch to no end. "You're a weirdo." She muttered, letting go of her.

"Takes one to know one, sweetheart." Adelaide winked, keeping up her flirty demeanour, despite blushing a deep red.

"Surprised you didn't puke." America admitted, looking at Stephen.

"That's not my first weird trip, kid." He said cockily, "So, This is New York in the Multiver..." A gag interrupted his words as he ran over to what looked like a chimney and began to vomit into it.

"There it is." America chuckled.

"Crap." Stephen groaned. His cape began wiping the side of his mouth for him. "Cut it out." He swatted it away. That's when he noticed the hole in its fabric and agreed, "Yeah. You got pretty dinged up. We'll get you fixed."

"All right, America. You've gotta open a portal to get us back there right now." Stephen said, turning to her.

"I don't know how." America replied.

"You just did it." He scowled.

"Not on purpose." She defended.

"Addy?" He looked at the witch, who was inspecting her playing cards. She looked up, her beady black eye flashing slightly as she shook her head, "I transported someone to the mirror dimension, Dad. You know that drains my energy to Hop."

"Wong is back there alone with Wanda and I'm the only hope he has." Stephen snapped at the both of them, earning a small frown from his daughter.

"I can't control my powers..." America reminded him again.

"You must be able to control it somehow. Even I could..." He paused, remembering how he could barely control his powers when he got them and apologised, "Sorry."

"Well, what about this universe's version of you? Can she can control her powers?" Adelaide asked, making a drag fan with her cards and flicking her wrist to retract it over and over.

"This universe doesn't have a me." America scowled.

"What?" Stephen choked out in disbelief.

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