epilogue | i'll stay

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A/N: Play the song 'I'll Stay' from 'Instant Family' by Isabella Moner while you read this chapter, mkay? Mkay.


"Addy?" Stephen's relieved voice came from the doorway as she entered the temple. "Hi, Dad." She grinned.

"When did you come back?" He asked, approaching her tentatively. 

My feet are sore from walking all night long
No direction when there's nowhere to go

"About ten minutes ago. And I think I got myself a girlfriend in those ten minutes." She giggled softly, blushing. 

Empty picture frames of times all gone
Lonely echoes of the stories we've told

He pulled her in for a hug, the same way he always did, stroking her hair and kissing her head, as he said, "I didn't think I lost you in that way, but I did think I had lost you in the Multiverse. Don't pull a stunt like that ever again, Addy, please." She put her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, feeling like she was ten years old again, hugging her father after a long day at school. 

If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two
'til your eyes open wider than they used to

"I promise I won't, Dad." She smiled, "I met Bird-Man, his Wife-Bird, his Mini-Birds and Mentee-Bird though." 

Then I will meet you there where the air is clear
Pinky swear I'll meet you there

"How'd that go?" Stephen asked, letting go of her as they walked together.

And I'll stay, with you I see new colors
And I'll stay, today until forever
And I'll stay, with you I see new colors
My eyes are open wider today until forever
I'll stay with you

"Um, I found out that by blood I'm related to Kate, Eleanor and Derek Bishop," Stephen's eyes went wide, but she hastily added, "I wiped everyone's mind and reset the scene, so it's all good now. Besides, it doesn't affect me cause I never knew she even existed." Upon seeing her father's furrowed brows and confused face she nodded, "It's been a confusing 24 hours." 

"And who's this girlfriend of yours?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Familiar faces as we chase the moon
Fall in love and I'll come crying to you

"America Chavez." She simply replied.

"America Chavez?" He pointed at where the students were, "This America Chavez?

Through the changes and the Earth's bad moods
I'll lay my troubled bones on you

"How many people do we know go by the name 'America Chavez', Dad?" 

"Right, right, sorry. But no funny business." He added the last part sternly. "Now, no dark magic till you're feeling completely fine, because mind control is no little thing."

If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two
'til your eyes open wider than they used to

Adelaide was about to protest, but he put a hand up to stop her, "No, I don't want to hear it. You can help America with her basic magic." 

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