bonus chapter | cute moments

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One Year Later

"America, sweetheart, you have to focus." 15-year-old Adelaide instructed. The two of them were in the basement of the Sanctum, where the witch had her own lair. America wanted to practice with her, but couldn't seem to make a portal. "Think of the place you want to see the most and then keep that image in your mind, allowing you to make that portal."

America took a moment to think and slowly made a circle with her index and middle finger. A portal sparked and flared to life, opening a doorway to what looked like...214 42nd Street.

"My house?" Adelaide whispered, looking at America. The girl smirked at her and nodded, "Shall we?"

"Okay." The witch laughed and entered the portal, only after calling up to her father that she was portalling home.

They entered her room, which America thought smelled exactly like Adelaide. Cinnamon and vanilla. On one entire wall was a collage of Polaroid photographs, in the center of which was a proudly displayed picture of her, Stephen and Wong standing at the entrance of the Sanctum. Adelaide had taken the photo, and had been so happy that day.

She saw Adelaide at her desk, her jet-black hair falling on her face as her head bent slightly and her silver-ringed hands gripped the mahogany desk's edges firmly. America walked behind her, sliding her hands around her waist in a reassuring hug. She pressed small, light kisses on the witch's cheek and bare shoulder, till Adelaide's grip on the desk loosened and her tense body relaxed.

She turned around in America's grasp and put her arms around her neck, pressing a kiss to her lips as she said, "Thank you."

"Anytime, angel." The superhuman grinned, pulling away before hugging Adelaide suddenly, resting her head on the girl's chest, allowing Adelaide to bury her face in America's brown hair, which as usual, smelled like her mint shampoo.

They continued hugging till America chuckled, "Addy, you're strangling me--"

The witch let go of her and sheepishly grinned, "My bad, my bad." Only to receive a laugh and a kiss on the forehead in reply.

--Time Skip to Yet Another Year Later--

"Hey, Lay can you--WOAH-" Wong walked in to see America on the desk, with Adelaide kissing her fiercely. The two of them came apart calmly and Adelaide sighed, "Uncle Wong, there's such a thing called knocking, ever heard of it?"

"I've never knocked on your door in my life!" He defied.

"I'm sixteen, very gay and have a girlfriend. Time for you to start knocking." She scowled, "Unless you want to be scarred for life."

"No, no. Not at all." He mumbled before hurrying out.

"Good." She replied.

--Time Skip--

Adelaide and America both sat on the roof of the apartment building, their legs dangling off the edge of the roof. The sky was a pale orange as the sun set over the bustling city of New York, and the lights of several apartments and homes switched on, like automatic stars in the slowly setting night sky.

The crisp and cold autumn wind flicked against their faces, hitting their skin like needles. However, it wasn't painful or too cold, it was rather comforting for both girls at the time. Adelaide inhaled the musty air and sighed, resting her head on America's shoulder. The other girl did the same, resting her head on Adelaide's as she clasped her hand in hers.

"This is nice," America admitted as the orange glow of the sun disappeared under the distant horizon, allowing the fiery sky to cool down into the deep navy blue of the night.

"I agree," Adelaide nodded, smiling, her eyes still on the slowly rising moon. The wind ruffled their hair, escaping their jackets slightly, making both of them shiver.

"It's kind of cold, don't you think?" America asked. Adelaide nodded and hummed, "Kind of. But I'm okay with it. You're like a human furnace, anyway."

The Hispanic laughed and gently smacked her girlfriend's knee saying, "Hey, that's mean!" In good nature.

"It's not mean, it's the truth." The witch shrugged. "But..." She trailed off as she conjured up a jar and allowed it to float in the air, a magic purple fire dancing within it. "Problem solved."

"Weirdo." America chuckled.

"Your weirdo, though." Adelaide said.

"Girls, time for dinner." Came Stephen's voice from behind them. "And I don't want either of you catching a cold."

Adelaide smiled and swung her legs up, leaping down onto the roof and helping America down. The jar had vanished, making both girls feel the biting cold yet again.

"Sure, Dad." Adelaide grinned and took America by the hand, pulling her indoors.

--Time Skip--

Both girls lay in Adelaide's bed, the witch's purple eye glimmering in the soft moonlight which entered from her window, as she observed America's sleeping figure.

"Stop staring at me while I sleep, querida. It's creepy." (Darling.) America grinned, her eyes still closed. Adelaide rolled her eyes playfully and shuffled closer, pressing her back to the girl's front as she replied, "I'm not staring." She felt the other girl's arms slide around her waist and pull her closer.

"Hm...sure you aren't." America hummed, pressing small kisses against the back of Adelaide's neck, making the girl giggle softly. "Looking at someone unblinkingly while they sleep isn't staring, it's observing." Adelaide defended.

"Well, stop observing me while I sleep, then. It's still creepy." The Hispanic girl replied.

Adelaide huffed softly, "Fine." With that, both of them fell asleep together, with not a care in the world. All that mattered was that they were together.

Bonus chapter, as promised!! I hope you enjoyed it~ have a fabulous day/night, lil petals! I'm super exhausted so the post-chapter message for this part is a bit dry--

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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