three | the multiverse

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Wong, Stephen, Adelaide and America sat in a diner, while the Hispanic devoured a pizza like her life depended on it.

"How much experience do you guys have with the Multiverse?" America asked, her mouth full of pizza.

"We have experience with the Multiverse." Stephen replied, "Most recently, there was an incident with Spider-Man..."

"With what Man?" She interrupted.

"Spider-Man. He has the powers of a spider. Hence the name."

"Gross." America wrinkled her nose. "Does he look like a spider?"

"No. More like a man. Climbs walls, shoots webs." Wong replied.

"Yeah. Bingo." Adelaide chuckled, sipping her apple juice.

"Out his butt?" She exclaimed.

"No. Maybe. I don't know." The witch shrugged. "Apple juice?" She offered her bottle to the girl.

"Ew." America said, referring to what the witch told her about the webs, "But I will take that apple juice, thank you." She sipped directly from the bottle, without using the straw.

"Honestly, I hope not." Adelaide said, her upper lip curling in distaste at the thought.

"Super weird." The superhuman handed Adelaide back the apple juice, and continued wolfing down her sandwich.

"You're gonna get a stomachache." Stephen warned.

"I'm from another universe. How do you know my stomach works the same as yours?" She deadpanned, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't. I don't even know if you're from another universe." He replied, "Which is why I'm still sitting here waiting for you to enlighten us."

America looked at Adelaide, and said, "Francamente, de los dos Doctor Stranges que conocí, no es mi favorito." (Frankly, of the two Doctor Stranges that I've met, he is not my favorite.)

"Honestamente. Prefiero la versión del universo 898 de él a veces." (Honestly. I prefer the 898 version of him sometimes.) Adelaide laughed.

Clueless, Stephen asked, "Which means?"

America looked back at Wong and Adelaide and asked in bafflement,"¿Este wey no habla español?" (Is he so stupid that he can't speak Spanish?)

"Ni siquiera sé si habla su propio idioma." Wong chuckled. (I don't even know if he speaks his own language.)

"Look," Stephen interjected, having had enough, "I left a very nice wedding to save a smartass kid from getting eaten by an octopus."

"Whose wedding? Tell me..." Wong began, but Adelaide cut him off,  "Christine's."

"You went?" Wong snapped in disbelief.

"Holy shit. You married Christine?" America gasped, as though she had watched a movie on his life, and him marrying Christine was such an impossible thing, that she simply couldn't believe it.

"Do you mind?" Someone asked, asking for a photo.

"Yes, I do." Stephen shooed her away. He turned to Wong and America, and replied to their questions, "No, I didn't." He addressed America, "Yes." He looked back at Wong.

"You need to explain to me what's going on. Why was that octopus trying to eat you?" Strange asked the Hispanic superhuman.

"I dunno, maybe she looked like a multiversal snack?" Adelaide shrugged, stating her words as though they were obvious.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐳¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now