two | miss america

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"What the hell even is that?!" Stephen exclaimed, as it began to crush a bus, inside of which a girl had climbed.

"It's a Cepholapod Demon! I don't know which dimension it's from, though." Replied Adelaide.

"That doesn't matter!" Stephen leapt out of the way, but Adelaide used magic to grab hold of the demon's disgusting tentacle which had been shot at them. It pushed against the purple tendrils, but she was stronger. It gave a loud screech, before she slammed her palms together, slicing the tentacle off.

Stephen moved his palm, his index and middle finger pressed together as in one fluid motion he pulled apart the bus which the Cepholapod Demon was crushing.

A girl wearing a red, white and blue denim jacket hung from a bar, and her hands were slowly slipping. She let out a scream as her hands slipped completely, and she plummeted towards the ground. Adelaide opened a portal beneath the girl, purple sparks shimmering everywhere, just like how her father's orange ones would.

The girl reappeared next to Adelaide, panting slightly. "Thanks." She said, her breath heavy.

"Anytime, sweetheart." Adelaide said. "Nice pin." She added, winking as she looked back at the demon, who slashed it's tentacle at her father. She summoned a dial, like how Stephen had taught her. Instead of geometric mirror patterns, hers was a glowing pentagram, with runes decorating the space between the two concentric circles around it. She made it larger and sent it her father's way, who conjoined his and her dial, using it to cut off another heavily runed tentacle.

"Thanks. I like yours, too." The girl nodded towards the pride pin which adorned the front breast pocket of the witch's black leather jacket. She then looked up at the tentacle which came slashing towards Adelaide, and yelled, "Look out!"

"Son of a bitch--" Adelaide swore at the demon, before she summoned a whip-like structure, unsurprisingly, it was purple.

"You're obsessed with that colour." The girl looked at Adelaide.

"Jeez, girl. Atleast tell me your name before you start judging me." Adelaide rolled her eyes, before using magic again to attack the demon's eye.

"America Chavez, is the name." The girl, America, introduced herself.

"Adelaide Donna Strange, at your service. Now use those powers of yours and help, would you?!" She noticed another tentacle swinging at her, and exclaimed, "Duck!"

As they stood up, the conversation returned to normal, the only difference was that they were running. "I can't control my powers!" America yelled over the chaos.

"Well isn't that just great." The witch rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault!" America scowled.

"I never said it was, sweetheart." Adelaide said. "I need you to hid--and she's running." Her exasperation was imminent as American bolted in the other direction, only to get hefted up in the air by the demon.

A terrified scream escaped her lips, as she was tossed up in the air. Just then, Stephen made a portal, sending the Hispanic girl onto a small ledge.

"Dad!" Adelaide scolded, teleporting next to him. "Why'd you send her all the way up there?!"

"She's safer up there than she is down here." Stephen replied, attacking the demon left and right, Wong assisting him.

"Okay, so being on a possibly thirty to thirty-five centimetre by breadth ledge a little less than a hundred feet off the ground, is safer than being, well, on the ground?!" She snapped.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐳¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now